My 2017
This has been one of my best years for modelling with many projects comming to fruition. It has been a year of experimentation and leaving my comfort zone way in the distance. I have to say, it's been fun! I would encourage all of you to try something new in 2018, until this year I only built aircraft!
Merry Christnas and a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year to you all! I hope Santa brings you what you heart desires and maybe something a little different!
Great stuff !
Thank you kind sir!
Great stuff #2!
Is picture #1 Graham Hill's car? I saw him win the Indy 500 back in the Dark Ages - or 1966, if memory serves.
Your detail painting - especially of the driver's face - ie, his mustache, was what convinced me to ask.
Yes, it is a representation of Hill's car.
Great stuff #3...and a Merry Christmas, too.
Really nice selection, Derek.
Fantastic work Derek! The Lotus is absolutely super! I also like the Bedford refueller very much. It's true what you are saying about changing subjects, it opens new options and techniques. In the background I'm working on OO-scale steamloco from Dapol, the old Airfix ones, lovely subject. Merry Christmas!
Thank you. The refueler is based on the IBG 1/35 truck with the majority of the refueler parts 3d printed.
Thank you all for your kind comments.
Nice job Derek, really like the driver representation
Hello Derek,
Your objects are from motorcycle to airplane and everything in between. That makes it very interesting and challenging. To me they all look like toppers. Well done. Regards, Dirk / The Netherlands.
Well done Derek. Good selection of subjects.
Excellent work Derek. The FAA Hellcat is an inspiration... I have one in the stash with a set of decals to build the same plane. But after looking at yours I don't know how long it will stay there. Your work is outstanding ! They are all fantastic, especially the Harley with the Tommy gun.
Merry Christmas
Once again, many thanks for you kind comments and encouragement.
That Lotus is definitely one of my favourites this year. Merry Christmas, Derek.
Thank you George, and the seasons greetings to you and yours! I hope Santa has brought you something nice!
Excellent work all! Merry Christmas.
Cheers Greg, and a happy New Year!
Loved the Lotus, reminded me of a Matchbox car I had as a youth.
Thank you.
Terrific work, Derek! You turned out some great builds this past year. The motorcycles are my favorites - hard to believe they are models!
Thanks, the 1/6 scale Suzuki was particularly fun to build!
The motorcycle really thrills me!
Thanks Lawrence! Which one?