My Christmas tradition.
Hi All,
I know Christmas is actually over, but I wanted to share the 1/144 ornament I made for my wife this year. Dragon's 1/144 EA-6A with spare decals. I didn't want to do the squadron featured in the kit, and I have been working on a 1/48 EA-6A for a couple of years, which will eventually have these markings. It is part of a very sizeable number of 1/144 kits I have built for her over the years.
I have also included pictures of a Tamiya 1/48 Kublewagen with pilot and officer figures- all part of the kit- I just finished that after about 3 years! The figures delayed the completion. I built it intending to display it along side a BF-109. I particularly like the map that is found on the box top- it just needs some careful stripping of the layers of cardboard to get the map layer off. I also like the decals provided for the rank insignia on their sleeves.
I also have shots of the Tamiya 1/48 USAF staff car I built to display along side a P-51. I finished that one three years ago.
My wife who loves her Christmas village allowed me to include the two kits in the display this year as long as I didn't "militarize" the display any further!
I designed a folding table with ground work and snow for her to display her ceramic lighted houses quite some time ago, and she has added to it bit by bit over the years with figures and accessories.
In the large picture of the Village, the Kublewagen is on the right outside the Gas Station, and the Staff car is on the far left driving out of town.
Best wishes to all of you in the imodeller community during this season- I also wish you all a Happy New Year.
That's a pretty neat "traditional" idea ya got there with the 'ornaments', Dan. Take any pictures of all the other ones?
Hi Craig, sorry for the delay in responding, I have some featured in my stuff. I guess I should shoot them all and add them to this post!
Happy New Year!
If you'd like to build some non-military models for the Christmas Villiage I suggest looking for some of Heller's 1/43 scale cars. I build them to put in with my 1/48 planes. (Close enough in size I figure!)
We actually really like the mis-matched sizes, and the road is pretty full- I need to add a picture of the whole table top in this article- I just snuck my two builds in for this year!
Happy New Year!
That's a very nice "traditional" tabletop scene you & your wife have done. Well done, Dan!
Thanks Jeff- Happy New Year!
Great gift, much more original than other x-mas stuff like golden jewelry! Nice!
My wife really appreciates that I have made an ornament for her each year for the last 18 years or so- One way I include her in the hobby- as best i can.
Happy New Year!
Nice tradition!
Thanks Greg- Happy New Year!
Nice ornament, and equally nice village! I like the airmen studying the map... 'Where the heck are we?'
More like "how the heck did we teleport from the MTO into this Christmas Village!?!?!"
Happy New Year!
Very nice... great idea for the tree ornaments too... Happy New Year !
Thanks Louis- best wishes to you and yours!
Happy New Year!