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Ray Seppala
30 articles

QANTAS PB2B-2 Catalina

January 12, 2018 · in Aviation · · 10 · 2.4K
This article is part of a series:
  1. QANTAS PB2B-2 Catalina
  2. Revell Airbus A330-302, QANTAS

This is the -5A converted to a PB2B-2 in markings (by Hawkeye Models Australia) with the Red Roo Conversion set. First completion for 2018.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. I like it, Ray...nice work.

  2. Great build of a civilian 'Cat.

  3. Nice looking and different Catalina!

  4. Very nice ! You normally don't see a Catalina built too often, much less a civilian plane.

  5. Nice work Ray, a Catalina is on my build list for this year.

  6. Very nice indeed Ray.

  7. Great looking model Ray. Very nice finish.

  8. Good looking Cat Ray and different, well done.

  9. Nice Ray - fun to see an atypical scheme!

  10. Thanks gents, I have another PB2B conversion set and kit to do one day, but it will have a more military scheme, most likely 11SQN RAAF

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