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Job Conger
1 article

straight wing fictional F4U

January 1, 2018 · in Aviation · · 5 · 2.3K

I occasionally modify kits for the fun of it. Here's an example. Wheels are up, Buffalo and Wildcat style. I'm beginning to put together an IModeler Group that I hope will steer AeroKnow Museum friends in the direction of iModeler Pictures are sparse here now but this will change in the week ahead. The gent in the cockpit of the restored -5 is my friend who owns and flies it. Mike George maintains Air Combat Museum down the street from AeroKnow. I believe the "shaved" prop is from a "terminated" Heller Constellation.

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5 responses

  1. I'd be curious to know which parts are "cobbled" together to make the UN-bent bird, Job. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Craig, I started with an ancient Fujimi kit, simply sawed the wing apart at the fold line and ground/filed and sanded the wings to meet straight. Also filled in the landing gear wells with scrap plastic and Green Stuff putty. Dremel-opened the fuselage and trimmed with an Xacto for just the wheels/tires from a Wildcat. Didn't bother with fictional Brewster or Grumman wheel well details or doors in the wing underside. As long as the wing banks toward the viewer, no one notices or cares.

  3. Interesting project, Job.

  4. Resembles the Vindicator a little.

    • You're right, Robert. Especially the tail. The l.g. on the SB2U swung 90 degrees and back like the P-40 and Corsair. This fiction would have been a mite smaller too. Thanks for your comment. ๐Ÿ™‚

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