Model of the Month Dec.'17 – Fish on a String and Sword in a Bag
Greetings everyone,
all day long I am feeling happy, don't know why... Ah yes, it's this Tamiya's "String-bag" that arrived with the mail!
It is true - the value of a kit for us modelers is much greater than the sum of its contents, encompassing all the pleasant thoughts about the times that will be spent building it. This one is already working its magic on me.
Big Cheers to Martin and the iModeler for sending me this beauty!
P.S. They say Tamiya is shake and bake, but I prefer to grill...;)
A most excellent choice of kits, sir...I'm sure you'll enjoy it - congratulations.
Congratulations, Aleksandar!
I'm with you - grilled is better.
Aleks, you so deserve this. Well done and I cannot wait to see what you do with her.
Aleks, great choice! It will look impressive when built, though you wonder how it survived into the dawn of the jet age.
Enjoy the build!
Congratulations Aleks, a well deserved prize. I also see you have been shopping at IKEA.
Hi Tom,
well spotted, it is indeed IKEA. I find it only natural, get the kit --> build the work-bench --> get the kit build the model...;)
Big fan of Swedish prog-rock and IKEA...
Good picture, Aleksandar, I'm sure you'll make a great job of this kit, did you also get the etched rigging set?
Thanks George,
no, no P/E for the rigging in the box unfortunately, but I'm on the look for it...
I like the leap in technology from the Swordfish in your hand to the Tu-22 on your screen! I also prefer my swordfish on the grill, only I blacken mine in a cast iron pan.
Hi Josh,
I am currently underway with that Tu-22. Actually the little MAZ I got the award for is planed as a part of the airport scene for this "beast". There, the cat is out of the bag!
I am deliberating if I should post another article about the service ladders for the Tu-22. It's "only" the ladders, but they are actually one of the most challenging things I've ever built!
Ladders? That's an understatement! Yes, a lot of pipework to build one of the entry platforms. Especially difficult in the smaller scales! Did they use one on each side or would the crew just crawl to the far seats one aboard? I have the extremely skinny book by Yefim Gordon, but enough photos of both the early and late Backfire for reference. The book I have on the Blinder by Sergey Burdin which is much better in terms of history, operation and losses. I highly recommend it if you're a fan of the old Soviet bombers!
Both sides! So everything times two... actually times 4, because I had to repeat it twice - both units fell from my hands and fell into pieces on the table! I'll write about it in more detail...
Congratulations !
Aleks, I'm also glad to see A fellow workshop neat freak.
Guilty as charged.
Nothing puts me off as a messy desk. Creative chaos my elbow! World may be falling apart, but that's no excuse for me to have to search for my tools...;)
Congratulations! Great choice and looking forward to the build.
Congratulations Aleks!
I just have to say - your work area is WAYYYY to clean! How can you be a serious modeler!
Congrats! Looking forward to seeing it all strung up...
Serious?! Who said anything about serious?
Congrats Aleks ! Looking forward to some grille Tamiya Swordfish...
I'd like to thank you all for the nice comments and support. As anybody, I'd love to dive in and start cutting the sprues. Tamyia plastic always looks sooo alluring!
But I need to discipline myself and continue on this path I stared... so expect soon a new installment in my ongoing build. It'll be exciting, I promise you. Game of Thrones is so yesterday. Now "Game of Tupolev"... hey I just found a good title!
That's a great title, indeed! “Game of Tupolev"
I greatly admire your clean work area but I don't have one. MY work area looks like a disorderly wastebasket! But I know where all the tools are ... mostly! Actually, I have no hobby work area at all. My work space is set up for all my bullet loading and firearms maintenance. But I have a storage area that we're delving into to make room for models and painting, since spray painting aircraft, armour, ships, etc. has NO business near the other items. Never the twain shall meet!