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Çetin SARF
14 articles

P-47D30 – 1/72 – Tamiya

February 13, 2018 · in Aviation · · 15 · 1.8K

I used kit with Eduard PE set. Kit represents D25 version. I builded the part from the back to the tail to convert it to the D30 version. I sprayed Tamiya gloss black to prepare the surface for metallic paint. Then I used Gunze chrome silver for all over the body and Alclad II's and Vallejo acrlycs to tint some panels. Markings are from Tigerhead Decals (Turkish Air Forces P-47D Stars and Crescent with Nose Arts(72002)). Thanks for viewing... Çetin

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5  Awesome

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15 responses

  1. Very nice presentation, sir...good job.

  2. The paint is tight and the cockpit deadline is outstanding for a 1/72 build

  3. Oh, by the way. I've built this one for the son of the pilot shown on the photo...

  4. Very nice - the subtle shading differences in the panels comes off very well. Love the scheme and set off with the Turkish decals really makes it pop.

  5. Great result on this classic and your presentation sets it off very well.

  6. Looks good, nicely presented Cetin, well done.

  7. Cetin, lovely Thunderbolt! Nice to see different national markings, as well!

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