Monogram Hawker Hurricane
As you can see I am a simple builder, nothing fancy out of the box no weathering. I also build model rockets, balsa airplanes and older plastic model kits. I like these old kits because I can pick them up pretty cheap and they are what I used to build when I was younger. I used to build a lot with attention to detail and using my trust worthy airbrush. After years of doing this I got burnt out and found my projects never getting completed. I would fuss with details, modifications and weathering my builds. A while back I was at someones house who had model airplanes on display. Now these builds were simple, hand brushed and looked pretty good but nothing fancy. It reminded me how much fun model building used to be so I decided to get back into the hobby. I decided at that time to keep my builds simple as you can see from my hobby room I am busy with my hobbies. Building simple is fun and easy, but I soon found out that brush painting is not so simple, airbrushing or spray painting is way easier, but dang it I wanted to hand brush my models. I live close to one hobby store and the only paints they carry are Testors enamels and acylics. I do not want to have to order my paints online so I am learning how to brush paint with Testors enamels. Also the smell of Testors tube cement and enamel paints bring back great memories from when I was younger. After much practice on plastic plates and old model parts I decided to start building some old kits I have collected. The Monogram Hawker Hurricane went together pretty easy for such an old kit. I have found with Testors enamels I really need to thin when hand brushing and allow to dry overnight before recoating. Some colors take 2 coats and others took 3 coats. She may not look pretty, but it sure was fun to build and that is all that counts for me.
Wow David, impressive collection you have there! Welcome here at imodeler and kudos for the Hurricane!
I agree with you David ,I usually build quality kits, Tamiya and new generation Airfix mainly but also build ancient Airfix kits when I find a subject that interests me, it will usually be one of my favourites from my childhood I guess It's a nostalgia thing , the old boxes with there beautiful artwork and the feel of the plastic that has lay inside finally becoming what it was meant to be ,two good examples on here are the H.P. Hampden and the H.M.S. Victorious, the dream is to build the SAM 2 missile but the high cost puts me off.
I never brush paint anything other than small parts though.
Welcome aboard N.
Nicely done David, that's what this hobby should be. Just having some fun and fond memories. Welcome to iModeler.
Fun is the name of the game we play, David...and it certainly looks like you've been having a lot of it!
Welcome aboard.
Nice work and welcome! I built more then a few of those way back when!
Nice vintage kit and it looks really nice!
David, welcome! Does your landing gear retract? I did mine like yours, only in desert scheme. I think it's up in the attic, still. Nice collection of rockets and flying models!
I glued the struts in place so the landing gear is not restractable.
Looks pretty to me, looks great, that's some collection you've got!
Nice work, David.
Agree with you...this hobby's got to be FUN; if not, do something that IS fun, as life is too short to not fully enjoy one's hobby.
Looks good! I brush paint to at the moment, though I'm getting ready to learn the airbrush just to make building/finishing go faster. But it is all about enjoying the hobby, so however that looks to you, do it!
Looks great, David! You have quite a collection and a varied one at that. Not much room to expand, it would seem!
Welcome to the iModeler family.
Nice looking Hurricane, my favourite WWII aircraft.