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Cemal Deger
5 articles

Tiger Model Corsair F4U-1 Tooncraft

March 25, 2018 · in Aviation · · 15 · 2.6K

When I purchased a couple Tiger Model AFV's a while ago, I also got a couple of tooncraft which resemble Hasegawa's eggplanes. One of them was a Bf109 and the other a . To get my mojo back I got my hands on the latter one recently and you can see the result.
This is a simple, snap tite style kit with very few parts count. I tried to give it a weathered, tired look and I hope I achieved that.

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6  Awesome

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15 responses

  1. I love it...! Great looking build AND photography.

  2. Love it Cemal, great little build that looks like it was a nice bit of fun. Looks terrific!

  3. Cute! Nice work there.

  4. That's absolutely fantastic, and great fun too!

  5. Cemal, what carrier did this one fly from? Ha!

    Interesting model - well done!

  6. I'm not usually a fan of "egg planes," but the realistic weathering you did on this makes it very attractive! Nicely done!

  7. Do we have any idea as to scale? Asking because Iโ€™m thinking I might like to purchase extra decals to further customize these little cuties.

    • Hi Laurence,
      Scalewise there's no information on their website but I saw a comparison photo with a 1/35 figure. It seems a bit big so I think 1/32 decals will be fine. Happy modelling! ๐Ÿ™‚

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