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Sebastijan Videc
45 articles

Yak-130 'Mitten'; Zvezda 1:72

March 25, 2018 · in Aviation · · 20 · 4.9K

Yak-130 is an advanced subsonic jet trainer, built in Russia to replace the outdated Czech built L-39 Albatroses. The airframe enables the student pilots easy transition to 4+, 4++ and 5th generation fighters.

The development began in 1990 but soon after the demise of Soviet Union, Yakovlev partnered up with Italian company Alenia Aermacchi. In 2000, the cooperation ended due to different project priorities, with Yakovlev continuing its progress on , while Alenia designated its aircraft M.346.

The aircraft is equipped with full digital glass cockpit, fly-by-wire system and full navigational suite. The aircraft has nine hard points and can carry up to 3.000kg of combat load. Thrust-to-weight ratio at normal take-off weight is 0.70 compared to 0.65 of Hawk 128 and 0.49 of L-159B ALCA. Engine intakes are equipped with automatic blanking doors to prevent foreign object damage, similar to they system used on MiG-29.

The first prototype made its maiden flight in 1996, the first preproduction aircraft in 2004 and the type was finally accepted to Russian Air Force in 2009. As of this moment, there are more than 100 Yak-130s in service with the air forces of Russia, Algeria, Bangladesh, Belarus and Myanmar.

The kit

I got pretty fond of this aircraft when I saw it for the first time in person at one of MAKS airshow in Moscow. To me, it looks like a small sports car but can carry a big punch. Until recently, the only Yak-130s available in kit form were a couple of releases from Amodel, but they represented the prototypes which differ from production example, especially in the nose area. Luckily came out with a new tool production Yak-130 and for those, who love bigger scales, KittyHawk announced one in 1:48.

The box is full of plastic goodies, despite the aircraft's small size. What stands out the most are the weapons sprues, providing you with a vast amount of armament possibilities – from sub- and supersonic dumb bombs, various rocket launchers and TV-guided Kr-500 bombs to gunpod, fuel tanks and R-73 missiles. There are also two sitting pilots included if you wish to build the aircraft in engine running mode. If so, you will have to do some cutting and scratchbuilding for the intake blanking doors and open auxilary intakes but as the interior structure is already made, that shouldn't be too hard.

Despite the rather complex building arrangement of the fuselage, the fit is rather good; you just have to build it slowly and dryfit components for best fit. The markings in the kit let you choose to build one Belarus aircraft, and two Russian Air Force ones – in either grey or Flanker blue-grey scheme; full stencils are included. As I am s****r for Flankers, the decision was not hard, though achieveing it, was harder than I expected – check the step-by-step for the explanation. I have to admit that I bought 2 kits when it was released, so with the arrival of Begemot's decal sheet, I am thinking of building a Myanmari one as well, though Belarussian option is interesting as well.

Cons? Well, there aren't many. Complex build of the fuselage but on the other hand, it lets you build full length intakes and proper wheel wells. Shallow panel lines – yes! I actually went through all of them with a needle to deepen them slightly – that's a problem I see with most new tool Zvezda kits… And that's about it!

In the end, all I can do is recommend this kit to anyone interested in modern Russian Air Force and unique looking aircraft. With a little work, it could be even transformed into Italian M.346 Master.

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

14 additional images. Click to enlarge.

20 responses

  1. Yes, great work, flawless paint work and a very unusual plane. I saw the box of this kit the other day but was unaware there would be a 1/48 model available soon.

  2. Very nicely finished and presented, sir...hadn't seen one of these until now.

  3. Sharp jet, very very sharp! Nice unique subject matter.

  4. This aircraft is totally new to me! This is a great model, Sebastijan. When I first saw it, I thought it looked very similar to the L-39, but modernized. It's like an F-16 and an L-39 combined!

    I'd love to take a ride in one! Bravo!

    • Thank you, Jeff! Well I don't see it as similar to L-39 - swept vs. straight wings, underwing vs. overwing jet intakes, twin vs. single engine. The only similarities I see are the side hinged canopy and maybe wingtips - but while on L-39, they are actually fuel tanks, on Yak-130, they house countermeasures and can be removed and replaced with additional air-to-air missile rail.

      I've seen it perform its display routine in person and it's really amazing for such a small aircraft!

  5. That's a great looking build! When I first saw a pic of one of these, I went out and found the AModel kit as it was all that was available at the time. I'm probably going to have to add a Zvezda kit now as well! And a Begemot sheet to go with it? I'm salivating...

    • Thanks, Greg! Amodel is quite a crude kit (don't I know, I have one) compared to Zvezda and most importantly it represents the prototype - production versions have quite a different nose area and canopy/windshield (was once thinking of converting prototype to production one).

  6. Profile Photo
    said on March 26, 2018

    Another great looking build Sebastijan.

  7. Sebastijan, that is one good looking model!

  8. Thank you, Bernard!

  9. I see what you mean when you say it reminds you of a small sports car, it's definitely a good looking aircraft, and your model looks terrific.

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