Academy 1/72 Hurricane Mk. IIc – N. Africa (Kasserine Group Build)
This is the second or third Academy kit I've built, and I have to say, I really like the detail and engraved panel lines on them. I did no scratch building on this - the only add was the resin tropical filter. I did drill out the gun barrels and exhausts, and had to modify the gear doors to get them into a closed position. You'll notice my one mistake if you look closely at the retracted wheels... (geeze - when will I ever learn to pay attention all the way through a build!)
For this build, I experimented with the Hataka Blue Line paint sets - supposedly designed for brush painting. They at first seemed to brush on nicely, but they dry way too fast and thus don't self-level well like the Vallejo Model Color paints I prefer. The lighter tan took 3 coats, and the other 2 still needed spot touch-up after 2. I won't use them again until I am using an airbrush (getting closer to that), as you can see the brush marks in places if you look closely. I also didn't lighten up the colors like I normally do, and in hindsight I wish I had, for scale effect. Not as noticeable on the topside, but underneath the blue just looks too deep to me.
For the first time, I used a set of Pitt pens for the panel line wash. It took a bit of experimenting to get the right application pattern down - you kinda have to lay it down in small sections, let it dry just the right amount of time and then wipe excess off. If you wait too long it gets harder to remove - too soon and you pull ink out of the recesses. All in all I liked it, and seemed more controllable than the liquid panel washes I had been using.
Additional weathering accomplished with CreateFX enamel stains, pastel chalk powder, and Tamiya Weathering Master sets. Silver chipping was done with metalizer paint and a very thin brush. Decals were a mix of what came in the box, and most of the roundels and flashes from an aftermarket set. Overall I'm pleased with the outcome. From normal viewing distance you can't really see the brush marks (only a contest judge with flashlight will probably pick it up!). It will be entered into our clubs annual show and contest this weekend, along with the 6 other builds I've completed between last year and this.
Great build Greg, very nice indeed.
Stunning as always Greg! The SAAF also used this type of Hurricane in North Africa. Your build will serve as reference when I build my 1/48 Italeri Hurricane.
Simply fantastic! That you do this in 1/72 amazes me! Greg, I cannot see the error you speak of. All I see is careful work and nice detail, and a great representation of an iconic aircraft from the era.
Watch closely, because your plane has a French frère coming soon...
Very nice bird Greg, good to see this one in the KPGB! I wouldn't have noticed the U/C issue if you hadn't mentioned it. Good luck at the contest too, you have my vote case it matters!
Nice build (as always)...I 'm still waitin' to see a model you've done that's NOT on one of those patented stands.
Don't hold your breath - never happen! (unless some "customer" wanted to pay me mucho dinero for a custom build - but I've never done one, and don't really intend to! I just want to finish my objective of building one of everything I'm interested in before my transit to the big hanger in the sky...)
You must have a warehouse full of struts, wheels and tires, huh...? Anyone here needing gear parts knows who to ask.
I don't keep too many tires/wheels, but the struts make great scratch building fodder!
Hey Greg. This is a honey of a Hurricane and I'm sure she'll do well in the show. For me it's just the right amount of weathering and the overall painting is superb (control surfaces look especially nice).
Regarding the undercarriage, can I suggest that perhaps the actual wheels are facing the wrong way round?
If one wanted to be incredibly picky and 'rivety', I think the wheel well interiors of the Hurricane is aluminium/aluminum? But then, I hate myself for even suggesting that and field painting could easily mitigate and color changes. And now I hate myself a bit more for saying that. You see the slippery slope of rivet counting? It leads nowhere good.
Ah- you found my error (wheels wrong-way-round)! My only consolation is that it does make for more lovely detail to enhance! As for wheel wells, I should have dug a bit further for better reference material. I was mostly focused on getting the exterior look correct for a desert bird, and then the right amount of weathering for a well-worn aircraft. Good thing I don't mount them upside down doing barrel rolls!
And you definitely achieved both goals; the desert cameo looks fantastic and the weathering (to me) is right in the 'Goldilocks' zone.
Excellent, Greg! Well worn but loved and maintained.
Greg, nice work on this excellent looking MK II. Weathering and wear look good, especially considering the beating the real ones took. Well done !
Great Hurricane, Greg! Looks good wheels up on the stand.
Nicely done Greg, looks good.
beautiful work
Well done Greg and a nice addition to the GB. Glad to see the Pitt pen technique is working out for you. I fine it works best after a coat of Future is on the model and your decals have set. When done apply the overcoat you so desire.
Nice work. The colors look spot on, especially the azure blue.
Great Hurricane Greg! Colours and weathering look absolutely fine. Don't worry too much about the brush strokes, you've had a great time building this Hurricane and that is what counts. After all I think "in the field" the painting and touch-ups performed by the ground crew under the desert circumstances would be rough to say the least.
I've worked with Hataka paints and like you say they dry extremely fast, and you need two or three layers to get it right. I'm still using what I have but moving more to Vallejo and Lifecolor for much better results.
I haven't yet tried Lifecolor - they are on my list to experiment with.
I'm no genius with an airbrush Greg so it may be my issue as I am finding my way, but I have really struggled with thinning Hataka. I'm a Mr Paint convert and really enjoy Vallejo Air in general, and Alclad lacquers for metals - all go really well without too much fuss out of an airbrush.
Just getting back to iM after 10 days at the Commonwealth games (kids on school hols) - and have come back to a ton of great builds! This is up there with the best of them - your weathering is exemplary, Greg - and even knowing your preferred scale I still have to keep reminding myself!