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Robert Royes
257 articles

USS Enterprise CV-6, Revell 1/480.

April 11, 2018 · in Ships · · 16 · 5.1K

Here's my low budget Big E, I have gone as far as I can with this so here's the post. I got this original 1967 issue off the net. I picked the old gal because of the full hull, fairly reasonable price, and a scale that my shake fingers could manage. It had a lot more flash then I remembered having built one in my youth.Adding some extra life rafts, liberty launches, bow mounted gun emplacement,splinter shields for the cat walk AA guns, and an attempt to add rigging to the island. Some of which I covered in WIP. I did her in a 1941/42ish scheme. The Enterprise was one of three US carriers that were built before the war and survived to the end of it. I always loved carriers, and was lucky enough to serve on few of them in the 1970's. One of my early references is Aircraft Carriers by Norman Polmar, pub.1969. I bought this when I was 13. Its still got a lot of interesting info.

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16 responses

  1. Lotsa little airplanes, Robert...and lotsa little decals, too. 🙂

  2. great to see this old relic...thank you

  3. Very nice Robert. The "mishap" is a nice addition

  4. Thanks for sharing Robert, it's a nicely detailed build which I followed with interest over the last few months, congrats. The b/w pictures are also inspiring for me! Take care my friend!

  5. A really great model Robert. I remember making the Airfix HMS Victorious when I was a kid. I'd spend hours arranging the aircraft on the flight deck.

  6. Nicely done Robert and it looks good even for a low budget. Still remember the History Channel series on the Enterprise, which was an excellent documentary. The old girl really went through a lot, too bad they couldn't find the funds to save her.

  7. Nice work, Robert. I never built that kit as a kid. I had an Aurora CV-6. This Revell model looks fairly accurate for its age. I like The Skyhawk and Whale mixed in with the SBDs! What’s that biplane? Curtiss?

  8. Great job on the old "Big E" model. I love the "accident" with the biplane! Quite a mix of aircraft. Like Craig said, "lotsa little decals."

  9. Well done, Robert. I knew you'd get that old fighting lady done before mine. Hell of an interesting air group you got!

    Great work, and on a 50 year old model, too.

  10. I love it! I built this kit I think more than once. It was reboxed in the '70s as either USS Hornet or Yorktown, can't recall which one. I know I painted mine as Hornet because I always liked the camouflage scheme she was painted in. Nice work on adding the details, along the humorous touch of the jets and a biplane on her flight deck!

  11. Thanks for the positive comments, and for finding this old submission.

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