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"It's like a boutique hotel of modelling" @robbo
1/48, Tamiya Hummer, ACE zu-23, Black Dog resin + wheels
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Very interesting combination of equipment those Iraqis have made. Nicely done, Matyáš!
Nice little build...I like it.
neat build, interesting subject
Love it all. Sand colour, check, raw armour, check, oversize turret, check. Over all very well executed AFV.
Great job on a really unusual subject!
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Very interesting combination of equipment those Iraqis have made. Nicely done, Matyáš!
Nice little build...I like it.
neat build, interesting subject
Love it all. Sand colour, check, raw armour, check, oversize turret, check. Over all very well executed AFV.
Great job on a really unusual subject!