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George Johnson
73 articles

Ho-229 at the Air and Space Museum

May 23, 2018 · in Aviation · · 28 · 4.6K
This article is part of a series:
  1. Zoukei-Mura H0-229 Completed
  2. Ho-229 at the Air and Space Museum

I just heard today that the Smithsonian Air and Space museum will pursue putting my Ho-229 on display at the Udvar-Hazy center alongside the real one. Can't express how thrilled I am. They're not sure when it will be put up because they are in the process of renovating the Mall museum and all hands are engaged in that little process.

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

28 responses

  1. That's fantastic! Can't wait to see it there.

  2. Profile Photo
    said on May 23, 2018

    Good stuff. And hopefully that will get some more recruits to the hobby.

  3. Fantastic...a prize winner for sure!

  4. Congratulations George. Well done!

  5. Great news, George. Well done!

  6. Thanks, guys. I appreciate it.

  7. Well done, George. A superb accolade well deserved for your hard work and skill.

  8. How fitting for such a superb model of the real thing. The museum should be proud to display your talent(s). Congratulations for the recognition. You deserve it!

  9. Well done mate! The best place for it!

  10. Congrats, George! glad to here it.

  11. George,
    This has to be the very best compliment that one can get... and it is well deserved. Yours looks as if you somehow managed to shrink the real thing down to size.

    Congrats my friend ! This is a major achievement.

  12. Fantastic model and a real pleasure to know models are considered worth showing at museums. The pedagogic paint job will show the visitors the construction of the real thing for sure.

  13. Proud of you, my imodeler friend!

  14. That is simply outstanding news. Well deserved George.

  15. Congratulations George - I am so pleased for you, your blog gives a lot to the community, as does your engagement on imodeler - wonderful news!

  16. that is a big honor - congratulations!

  17. That is fabulous. It is so awesome when your hard work and dedication to a project is actually viewed by many and recognized. For airplanes yours is the highest air museum in the world! Otherwise your model sits in your house and is not always appreciated. People ask me why I sell my models. I respond with "i luv to share them" were others can appreciate b/c they would just sit in some back room in my house. Although sometimes its tough to say goodbye...LOL.

    • Paul. Thanks. You are absolutely right. I was sitting at my desk looking at it the other day and saying to myself- "this thing is just going to sit here, collect dust and break apart slowly." I decided to donate it and contacted them. Turns out it was the right guy. They looked at the pictures I sent and they loved it. Turns out , the Ho draws lots of people and much of the staff are big fans of it.

  18. That is great news George.
    It will look very worthy there.

  19. Well, that's a prize no one else will be competing for. Congratulations!

  20. Very good point well made, T.C.

  21. George, a very nice complement to your fabulous work. I think I would have a hard time giving up "My baby" at least for a awhile. But you can't argue with the honor, Congratulations !

  22. I would say there's no higher compliment. Beautiful work George. Well done!

  23. Congratulations, George. The perfect display to go along with the real one. We're all proud for you!

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