Me-P.1099 – Revell 1/72
I have a friend who likes my models a lot, and he gave me a challenge: to build a scale model under 10 work hours. It sounds bad I know, but I like these kind of challenges...
So he gave me the Me-P1099 from Revell. I know Revell models very well, and it's like a surprise box. In this case, I was very pleased to find a really good model from Revell: good interior detail, nice building (or more or less good) and a nice detailed cockpit glass.
As usual, I started with the cockpit. Although it doesn't have decals for it, the dials and controls are well detailed. I took the base from a me-262 for detailing.
After painting, it was time to close the fuselage. I strongly recommend to add the weight behind the cockpit and the front landing gear, and when it's closed, to add even more in the nose.
The fuselage union was not good enough, and it needed a bit of putty and sanding.
The model allows you to leave the rear turrets movable, but I don't recommend it since it's quite difficult to do it properly. Mine are fixed in place.
Here you can choose to add the wings first, o to add the cockpit first. I did the second option.
The wing union is really nice, and no extra sanding was really needed.
And here is maybe the major flaw: the front landing gear must be attached with a big portion of the fuselage, which do no fit in it's place, unless you use a lot of putty.
After you make sure all the surfaces are clean, and ready, it's time to move to painting. Since it's a "what if" aircraft, I had total freedom with the camouflage, which I decided to be a winter one.
I almost work only with Vallejo, here is the process:
1- preshading with black
2 - total coating with pale blue
3 - random spots on upper surfaces with white, USAF medium grey and electric blue
4 - squadron markings with yellow
And you can have a really nice winter/polar camouflage!
The model doesn't have any accurate luftwaffe markings (you know what I mean), so I had to make them.
Weathering was really simple: panelling with black oil, and then light of some panels with white oil.
In the end, I did a really nice job.
I recommend this model for everyone who likes these "what if" models, and for anyone who want to start with the hobby. It's not a really difficult model, and I'm sure you will enjoy building it.
My friend liked it a lot, and...I won the challenge by building it in just 6 hours and 45 minutes!
VERY interesting, Claudio! You did it very well, ESPECIALLY considering your time challenge!
Thank you Jeff!
Well done indeed...I like it a lot, my friend.
Thanks for commenting Craig!
Incredible. I would not win this kind of challenge and achieving this quality.
Very well done mate
I think everyone can do it, you just need to simplify some of the processes so you can save time (i.e forcing the paint to fast dry)
Thank you for commenting!
Actually, six hours sounds about right. I understand you are talking about your preparation; research (at least a couple of hours just looking at airplane photos on google), messing around with the desk, cleaning the airbrush (there's an hour), having a bit of 'thinking' time, quick pre-modeling snack, an hour spent on iModeler.. all that stuff. So, how long did it take to complete the actual P 1099?
Great 'speed' work, Claudio. Loved your Spitfire, keep them coming!
Seriously speaking, I spent a couple of minutes looking for inspiration for the camouflage and pictures from a me-262 cockpit.
I usually have my desk clean before I start anything, and my airbrush is always clean and ready for work (so that's a lot of time saving).
It took me a total of 6:45 hours from the moment I glued the first piece until it was finally ready.
Thanks for commenting!
Six hours and forty five minutes. I couldn't manage that with the promise of eternal life and a host of vestal virgins.
Actually, my bench is pretty tidy, too. I need to take your advice with the airbrush, though. I find my 'research' for a project can sometimes take weeks. Like a lot of modelers I just get lost on the internet, so many pretty things to look at.
As I said, you do great work and I look forward to seeing more, Claudio.
One more thing, Claudio. If you cut the modeling time wouldnt you have to do more of the 'real life' thing? I've seen where that can lead to...
I know modeling can be time consuming, but I'm used to it.
I've managed to make my hobby a way of living, by earning money from commissions, so for me it's okay to not see the big shining sphere in the sky for a couple of days
Very nice - I can't remember the last project I finished in 6 weeks - to say nothing of 6 hours!
Well, a normal commission usually takes me about a couple of weeks until it's ready, but in this case, my honour as a modeler was in stake so I had to do it.
Thank you for commenting Greg!
Outstanding job. That would have taken me 6 times that long.
Fantastic little model of a unique and rare subject matter. I am shocked that Revell even attempted to make a model of such a unique subject. You did a great job for such a quick build.