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Santiago Hrubisko
42 articles

Messerschmitt Bf 109 in British markings – Raul Hrubisko

May 7, 2018 · in Aviation · · 14 · 4.5K

Hi guys,

This time I would like to share with you the latest sub collection done by my father.

He decided to build a couple of captured Messerschmitt 109 in British markings. After some reaserch and a lot of help from Dave Flemming the final number for this subcollection result in 26 models.

Here are the final photos with some individual ones. I hope you like it

This is how the magic come throught.

Here are the individual photos.

2) Messerschmitt Bf 109[/IMG

4) The Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-14 “Black 10” (Croatian identity number 2110) piloted by Fw. Josip Cekovic landed at Jessi airfield. The aircraft was captured by 3 Wing SAAF staff. (Reference: “Captured Me-109 's: Jacek and Wawrzynski, Miroslaw Jackiewicz book”)

5) Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6/u2 (White 16). TP814. The aircraft landed by mistake on July 21st, 1944 by Lt Horst Prenzel of the I/JG301. It was tested at RAE Farnborough (Reference: “Captured Me-109 's: Jacek and Wawrzynski, Miroslaw Jackiewicz book”)

6) Messerschmitt Bf 109 F-4 captured. (White 6, Werknemmer 13010 of 4./JG 27). The aircraft was used by 7 sqd SAAF staff at Marble Arch Airfueld, (Reference: “Captured Me-109 's: Jacek and Wawrzynski, Miroslaw Jackiewicz book”)

7) Messerschmitt Bf 109 G14 AS “Black 4” was piloted by Sandtler who deserted and landed in Falconara. (Reference: “Captured Me-109 's: Jacek and Wawrzynski, Miroslaw Jackiewicz book”)

8) BF109 G 14/U4 VD358 Wk 415460,

9) Messerschmitt Bf 109 G2 , W Nr. Unknown which was used by 80 Squadron in North Africa in 1943

10) Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-2 W. Nr unknown, GL ?. Apparently it was used for fast communication by the No 180 RAF Sqdn in North Africa during 1943

11) Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-3/B "Black 12" W.Nr 4101 de la 2./JG 51 -

12) Messerschmitt Bf 109

13) Messerschmitt Bf 109 AE479.

14) Messerschmitt Bf 109 DG200 (E-3 /B "black 12" W.Nr. 4101 de 2./JG51).

15) Messerschmitt Bf 109 (E-3,White 1 WMr 1304)

16) Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-14 /U4 que W.Nr. 415460

17) Messerschmitt BF 109 F2 W.Nr 12764.ES906.

18) Messerschmitt BF 109 G2 W.Nr 10639, RN228.

19) Messerschmitt BF 109 G-6, con W.Nr unknown VX101.

20) Messerschmitt BF 109 F-2 W.Nr 7232, (white 11)

21) Messerschmitt BF 109 F-4 "Black 6" W. Nr 10639

22) Messerschmitt BF 109 G-4 W. Nr unknown

23) Messerschmitt BF 109 G-2 W. Nr unknown

24) Messerschmitt BF 109 F4 W. Nr unknown

25) Messerschmitt BF 109 G-4, de W.Nr no conocido, del grupo 2./J G53, capturado en un aeropuerto abandonado aleman en Tunisia, por el primer escuadron de la SAAF. Al repintarlo, se nominó "JACK". Se desconoce el uso y destino final.

26) Messerschmitt BF 109 F4 W. Nr unknown

Kind regards

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5  Awesome

14 responses

  1. Wow...that's quite the collection. Where do ya put 'em all? 🙂

    • Hi Craig. Many thanks.

      Well, we have two display cabinets. To be honest we are running out of space. We have 810 models done.

      Here are two photos


  2. How long did this group take your Father to build? It is an outstanding and interesting collection, as are ALL of the collections I've seen. I'm with Craig: where do you put them all?!

    A hearty "Well done" to your Father!

  3. These 'flight lines' are always amazing!

  4. Fantastic collection and splendid piece of interesting history.

  5. Wow that is quite a group. Very cool - I always had a thing for captured markings like these, but certainly can't imagine doing 26 of them! Great and inspiring!

  6. What a great project - looks excellent!

  7. That collection is very impressive. Nice job!

  8. A wonderful collection Santiago!
    Great to see.

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