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1/32 Eduard / Alley cat Messerschmitt Bf-109D-1

June 13, 2018 · in Aviation · · 22 · 3.2K

This is Messerschmitt Bf-109D-1 with the markings of 2./JGr 176 in Gablingen during August 1939.

I have used Bf-109 E-1 as base kit and converted it to D-1 by using Alley cat conversion set.

Additionnaly I swapped Quickboost pilot seat and Aires wheels

Painting done with Gunze Sangyo acrylics. The scheme is classical RLM70/71 over RLM65 pattern.

I have used old Cutting Edge #32091 decal sheet. But sharkmouth decal has been damaged during installation depending on old age. And the projet stopped for a while.

Later, I discovered DN Models masks and decided to use mask for the sharkmouth figure. DN MODELS produced a great customized mask set for me.Thus the project started again.

Happy modelling

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7  Awesome

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22 responses

  1. Another fine piece of modeling, never cease to amaze.

  2. Wow ! This one is another beautiful 109 ... Built up in your typical museum quality methods. I like it a lot ...

  3. I can't imagine the decal could ever look as good as that masked paint job! Absolutely brilliant!

  4. A beautiful study of an early model 109! Great job Tolga.

  5. You did a top notch job on this older 109. The whole build and finish is great and really pops, but what I think is really awesome is your work with the seat belts. Some of the best I have seen!

  6. Tolga, this has to be one of the best Dora models I’ve seen, and the painted shark mouth really stands out. Great build as usual. Too bad that we don’t get the Cesar and Dora version of the 109 in current tech kits...

  7. There's one thing about the Eduard 1/32 E kits that makes life difficult, and that is that the @#$#@! slats are about 1/16 inch too wide in chord. Spotted this with the first one I did. Solution: slice off the rear by 1/16, then putty in the area under the slat on the wing (there was no step there anyway) and then sand smooth.

    Not a complaint, but the sources I have say the sharmouth early 109 is a Caesar, not a Dora. Not a big deal since the differences between the two sub-types are mostly internal anyway.

    FWIW, AMG/Dora Models is doing early 109s in 1/48 that definitely work nicely.

    • Thanks for the information Tom
      I can not understand how Eduard measured the slats wrongly.Is it too difficult?

      By the way I am not an expert for this aircraft, but I have used Cutting Edge decal sheet as reference. On the other hand, due to "Kagero books Air battles series #13 Messerschmitt Bf 109 C/D in the polish Campaign 1939", some 109Cs and Ds of ZG144 and later ZG76 sported shark jaws motif.
      And at the following link there is an D with sharmouth and eyes also.

    • Tom (@tcinla), never saw those kits live (and I don’t think I’ll see one sometime soon at any local shop), but from a review I saw somewhere online it looked rather crude, reminding me earliest east European mixed media kits. Is my perception wrong?

  8. Nice early 109!

  9. WoW! Great 109, Tolga! I've seen a LOT of airplane pics but I've never seen one of the early 109s with this model C/D configuration.. VERY interesting. Great conversion, too! Your paint work, especially the shark mouth is absolutely beautiful.


  10. A beautiful job Tolga & very informative too. Done with your usual expert touch!

  11. The Turkish Master is at it the photography and the sharks mouth. The masks really add another dimension to the finished model. The real a/c must have had the sharks mouth brush painted and given the scale the airbrush is a good choice. Two thumbs up and yet another strong candidate for hair pulling at the end of the month. Those poor judges.

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