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Charles King
130 articles

'Wall of Quotes'(Something very different)

June 15, 2018 · in Diorama · · 21 · 1.7K

This was a very fast build. Took less than 6 days(roughly), to complete. It was just something I decided to do in-between another truck build I am currently working on. I was just playing around. I call it, 'The wall of quotes'. Just a collection of different anecdotes that people usually say or have said. The quotes are actually embedded in the concrete wall. At the seem time, I wanted to create an interesting look on the itself, by showing a partial cut-out underground look on the surrounding area. I just thought it would make things a little interesting to look upon. That's me. I always like to take things...One-Step-Further.

Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

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21 responses

  1. Love it, Charles.

  2. Absolutely fab, always special Charles! Kudos mate!

  3. Quite unique, Charles...and quite imaginative as well. Nice work.

  4. I love it! Very imaginative and extremely well done, Charles.

  5. Very original, Charles! Always nice to see something else than olive drab. Will I see you at Grevens in a couple of weeks?

  6. Extremely creative!

  7. Nice job Charles! Doing something out of ones normal genre is a good way to keep from getting stagnant, a chance to try new things and then gives the usual projects some new spark when you get back to them.

  8. Your creativity really came through on this Vignette. Excellent stuff. Well done!

  9. Very inventive, Charles.

  10. Love it Charles, very imaginative to say the least.

  11. Charles,
    I'm going to say it again, and probably will keep saying it, you are not a model builder. You are and ARTIST. Absolutely creative and outstanding.

  12. It's all been said above - but I like it too!

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