European Knight
Progress in this one has been so slow in this infernal heat wave, there are certain elements that I like but overall I’m really struggling to tie this one together and to be happy about it. Who else is losing their mojo in this heat?
Amazing craftsmanship, sir...a true "artiste" indeed.
Many thanks ?
Hi Jay! @redrum
Amazing work on every single detail! What else is missing? It looks complete IMHO.
Yes, really hot these last few days here too (Portugal), but today fortunatelly the temperatures are a bit lower, so one can more easily breathe and move around
It’s not so much that something is missing but just that I’m not overly happy with how I’ve tied all of the elements together...
Looking great, despite any discomfort experienced by the modeler!
Thanks Greg!
Indeed, the heat is "redrumous" where I am, too!
I'd be over the moon if I could paint a figure like that in any temperature!
I always admire modelers that can produce realistic figures, well done Jay, heat or no heat it looks great.
Thanks Tom, much appreciated...
COOL figure...pun intended
Beautiful work! Been a bit hot here too, saps the ambition.
Awesome modeling.
Perhaps it's the contradiction, you are in the heat, and maybe that dominates your thoughts, while the knight is in the cold.
Yeah so true...
Hi Jay! @redrum
Would you please let me know what scale is this bust (I'd tend to think it's a 1/4 scale, or 200mm if it was a full human body, but I may be wrong), and who's the manufacturer (or is it your own creation?) ?
Thank you.
Hi Dolf, it’s 1/10 in scale from young miniatures
Hi Jay! @redrum
They do have some very nicely done busts (as well as other full body scales), that's for sure. I really like this Knight, also like their American Indian busts.
I have no idea of their prices, thought, as they don't show them together with the figures. Guess one has to email them.
For this scale I assume you only use acrylic paints (maybe some oils too), right?