Manfred’s and Lothar’s Dr.1’s
The brother's Richthofen together again! Well, at least on my work table.
Hey Fellow iModelers! Gary from Williamsport, PA.. I had to take time out from watching the Little League World Series to present these Dr.1's I completed last night. I hope you like them.
Roden 1/32 Foker Dr.1
Encore(Roden) 1/32 F.1. I did not use the F.1 resin parts supplied in the Encore kit, so essentially, I built another Roden Dr.1.
Eduard photo etched parts #32547 were used for both aircraft.
Decals: A mixture of the two listed kits as well as the 1/32 Hobbycraft DR.1 decals.
Scratch built wood propellers.
Primed with Mr.Finishing Surfaces 1500 Gray. Clear coated with Pledge floor acrylic prior to streaking and decals. Model Master Olive Drab with MIG Oilbrusher Dark Mud, for some color variation, were used for the Fokker streaking. The undersides are Aqueous Hobby Color H67 Light Blue. Red and Yellow are True-Earth SDW paints. This was my first use of True-Earth paints and I was pleased with the results.
Weathering was accomplished with a wash of thinned burnt-umber artist oil paint for shadows and that dirty look and dry brushed with white and yellow-ochre artist oil paint for highlighting.
Manfred and Lothar figures will be added in the future.
Can I make a modelers request? Okay Wingnut Wings, you are teasing us with some DR.1 decals included in your recent Richthofen Albatros when will a WNW's DR.1 kit come ?!?!?! Sorry, just had to get that out there….LOL
Back to the Little League World Series and on to my next project……..Happy modeling iModelers. Keep it FUN!
Well done Gary.
About a year ago I built up a Werner Voss machine, using the old Revell 1/28 kit as a base to start with.
I had some help from others on here , namely Paul Nash, @white4freak,
that were guiding me in the right direction to make the necessary changes to back date the kit to the early F-103 machine.
Your "Fokker Streaks" look fantastic ! I like it a lot...
Did you happen to read the "How too" article I wrote on how I did mine ?
Hey Louis, thanks for the kind words. I read a few articles on streaking but yours was the technique I mainly used as the basis for my technique (thank you). Basically I wet my brush with mineral spirits thinner, added small amounts of MM O.D. from the jar and started streaking, adding more color or thinner as desired. To appease the brown or olive streak debaters I also added some MIG Oil Dark Mud to add some brown to the color. I was pleased with my results, especially the combined olive and brown colors together. It just kind of looked right to me. And your 1/28 Dr.1 is a great build!
Thanks for the compliments on my Voss plane. I sincerely appreciate how the article was helpful to you during your build. Both of your planes look fantastic ! I was seriously thinking about restoring my old original late 1970's era MVR build and choosing a different plane (quite possibly Lothar's) as the subject for markings. The jury is still out however on that one...
I think the choice to add the brown to the olive color looks wonderful... excellent indeed.
A WNW Dr-1 would be a great kit to add to the ever growing list of excellent models they currently produce.
Who would have thought that over a 100 years ago these two planes would be sitting side by side, only in miniature form ?
Nice work, Gary...they turned out great!
Funny couple )
Beautiful pair of Fokkers, Gary, they look really pretty together. Must be great having such a sporting event right on your doorstep, thanks for taking the time out to share these beauties with us.
Nicely done Gary, both look great. Anybody know the origin of why the streaking was done in the first place. Seems like an oxymoron when used with bright yellow and pink colors.
Hey Tom, thanks! Someone may have more knowledge to add but i believe the streaking was a factory applied paint with the personal colors applied afterwards. Sorry if my reds look pink...maybe the pics...maybe a little bit too much "weathering" effect. BTW: I'm still planning a Dayton trip in Nov. if you'd still like to plan on meeting at the USAF museum.
If I'm not mistaken about the "Fokker Streaks", here's what I remember reading.
The fabric portions of the plane were painted in overall light blue dope color. In an attempt to camouflage the planes while they were sitting on the ground, Fokker devised the method by simply using brushes and some shade of brownish green. He didn't want to add any unnecessary weight to the plane, so "just enough" paint was used to give the upper surfaces of the airframe a light coat. It varied from plane to plane.
Then I had also read where Anthony Fokker was a "Tightwad" and tried to cut costs where he could. Therefor he used the colored paints as sparingly as possible.
Considering that building materials were getting harder to find due to the British Naval blockade, this could also be another reason for the streaks. Conservation of materials.
The truth probably is somewhere in the middle... or a little bit from each theory.
Who knows for sure ?
The bright "Circus" colors were added when the planes reached the Jasta they were assigned to. Each Jasta had it's own color, or combinations of colors. The the individual pilot would add his personal touches to the plane... That's where Lothar added Yellow.
Jasta 11 had red cowlings, wheels and wing struts.
Not quite, but very close. The three F.1 prototypes were painted overall light blue (which was likely RLM65, which was based on the WW1 color), then streaked with an "olive green" (likely RLM71, also based on the WW1 color). The Dr.I was painted light blue on the lower surfaces and left unpainted linen on the upper, with the streaky green camo applied to that.
One thing people should be aware of is that other colors on Dr.Is were painted over that camouflage, and since the Germans were short of color paint by then, they were applied in thin coats, so you can "see the camo" through the second color. This is likely why MvR's Dr.I he was shot down in was described as "blood red" since it was a thin coat of red (the color in shortest supply) over the streaky camo. I'm attaching a photo of my Dr.I done that way - you can (in person) see through the red to the camo below.
1 attached image. Click to enlarge.
Great builds!
I love these WWI aircrafts. The paint effect looks great. Very good job.
An excellent pair of Fokkers! Nicely done!
In all honesty, I really don't know how WNW is going to improve on the Roden Dr.I, which is probably their best kit. Other than they'd include the p-e that you get from the Eduard AM set.
These are quite nice looking models, Gary. I particularly like your streaky camo.