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Michal Walusz
20 articles

1/48 Airfix Hurricane Mk.I Polish 306 Fighter Squadron

September 7, 2018 · in Aviation · · 16 · 2.9K

Hello Folks

My latest completed kit in June. The Mk.I from . Goes together fantastic, the details are quite good. I add some Yahu instrument panel and some small PE parts for the cocpkit. The other after market I add was resin exhoust from QuickBoost. My kit represent the Polish Hurricane from 306 Squadron based on Ternhill November 1940. The decals was used from Techmod.
Painted using RAF Set from Gunze and verios Tamiya colors. In terms of weathering I used as usually the oil paints and Tamiya weathering powders.

Reader reactions:
18  Awesome

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16 responses

  1. My favourite aircraft. People say you can never have too many Spitfires; actually, you can. It’s Hurricanes you can never have too many of.

    Great job, Michal!

  2. Beauty of a Hurry. I mean that, I think this is exceptionally well done.

  3. Lovely build Michal certainly looks the part - nice to see the Polish squadrons represented.

  4. That's really well done. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Outstanding finish on this...I like it.

  6. Excellent build Michal, especially the undersides with a nice colour contrast and a subtle but realistic weathering

  7. While the Hurry-cane isn't my very favorite aircraft, it IS a fave. And too often under-represented.

    Well done, Michel. It's great to see the Polish aircraft represented!

  8. Another nice one Michal. Love the weathering and paint work on this. Well done!

  9. Beautifully done! I have a Hasegawa MK.I in my stash but when I saw Your build I started to think about buying an Airfix one 🙂

  10. What a great build, Michal - that is a great looking Hurri! All the better for being in Polish colours! Beautiful!

  11. Nice Finnish
    Love it

  12. That's some excellent work there! Just beautiful.

  13. You did an amazing job on one of the best Hurricane kits in 1/48. Well done!

  14. Michal, Really nice. Love the paint job and weathering. Simple but very impressive. Good job.

  15. Wonderful job Michal. I especially like your weathering.

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