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Rob Pollock
195 articles

CSM Nieuport XVII (Early and Late versions)

September 28, 2018 · in News · · 7 · 4.3K

A preview of Copper State Models' new 1/32 Nieuport, together with a selection French figures.

They state they hope to have all available at atelford in November.


Stop Press! This just in...

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. Love those figures...very well done.

  2. Nungessers aircraft too, very nice!

  3. Those are VERY cool figures! Will you pre-order 2 kits, Rob? I would look forward to seeing your version of this great, old plane.

    • Have been avoiding 1/32 for awhile and focusing on smaller scales that require a bit more attention, but this is certainly a nice kit, easily on a par with WnW but about a third less expensive than a kit of similar size/details.

      I do wish they’d get back to the Handley Page bomber though.

  4. This puppy's definitely on my radar.

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