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Jirka Kuchynka
8 articles

AVIA S199 1/32

October 24, 2018 · in Aviation · · 17 · 2.8K

Model AVIA S 199 is based on the Bf-109 G6 1/32 model. I used a set from to convert, which also includes decals. The construction was very cool and you can judge the result here.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

17 responses

  1. This looks beautiful! Welcome onboard at iModeler.

  2. Don't recall seeing one of these before...very nice work...and welcome aboard.

  3. Very nice! Man - those big paddle props on the 109's look like they belong in a butter churn. Welcome to the group!

  4. HOW, just HOW do you get that glass work SO clear? A really beautifully done 109.
    Well done, Jirka, this is lovely and looks fantastic in Czech colours.

  5. Excellent work, Jirka! Like Craig, I've never seen this aircraft before.


  6. I really like this build, very cool. I would love to do a conversion like this, maybe in Israeli Airforce markings.

  7. Nice work, Jirka.

  8. Excellent results, Jirka.

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