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Jirka Kuchynka
8 articles

Bf-109 E4 Dragon 1/32

October 24, 2018 · in Uncategorized · · 14 · 2.9K

This model represents Franz von Wero's aircraft from the Battle of Britain. This model has bothered me a little. However, the result I think is to watch. Models and Wet Transferod from were used on the model. the belts are a little bit harder, but they're nicer and more faithful. Wet Transfer labels are also very loyal to their original artwork. please forgive my possible mistakes writing comments via Google Translator.

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. Good work. Clean and sharp, weathering just right for my preference.

  2. Nicely presented (and written)...good looking build, sir.

  3. Great looking build. I agree with David, just the right amount of weathering.

  4. most excellent Jirka!

  5. The gentlemen of all thank you for the commendations I highly appreciated your favor.

  6. Nice-looking result. "The One Who Got Away." - the British did a very good movie about this around 1958-60, one of those good British WW2 movies that strives for accuracy (other than they have the canopy open to the wrong side on his 109).

  7. Excellent build. Great detail and finishing.

  8. A beautiful "bird", and an amazing artwork final result Jirka (@kuchynka489) !

    Congratulation for a job well done!



  9. Very nice. Good size in 1/32. Fantastic camo done very well. And weathering is spot on. ? Good wire Ariel work to.

  10. VERY well done, Jirka!

  11. Dear colleagues, you are very kind. thank you very much for the reaction. Your approach as model colleagues is quite different from ours in the Czech Republic. You are very motivating.

  12. A beautiful piece, very nicely done.

  13. Very nice! Beautiful cockpit detail from what I can see, and nice subtle weathering. A great-looking build.

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