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Carl Christensen
50 articles

Hobbyboss 1/35 German PzkpfwII Ausf J (VK16.01)

October 2, 2018 · in Diorama · · 17 · 2.5K

This is a cool wee kit of a limited production tank of which only about 16 saw war service, and mostly against the Russians.
It's very chunky considering it's a 'small' tank.
I also used (for the first time) a foldable photo booth that I got off the internet after a review of it was placed on here a few weeks back by Boris Rakic. I'm not great with photos but think it helped.

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

17 responses

  1. incredible work

  2. Nice work all around...the pics turned out really well I think.

  3. A great diorama has to tell a story that you can tell without words. It's totally visual. For it to work, all elements have to be to an equal level: the model has to be first rate, the figures have to be first rate, the base has to be first rate. It doesn't work if everything isn't all together, all equal.

    On the basis of the above, this is a Great Diorama.

  4. Very powerful dio Carl. Very powerful. As such it does it’s first job, to tell a story and highlight a theme. The second job -sharing your work - is a joy as the skill level is fantastic.

    Terrific, if sad, and has a great impact.

  5. Very nice diorama of a nice little tank type, Carl. Well weathered and the dio basis is a pleasure to watch.

    Do not take it as criticism but personally I always try to avoid gruesome details such as victims of war violence. I don't know how you guys think of this but this is a personal issue for me.

    War is gruesome but the modeller can go as far as he/she believes is appropriate. Even though there is a lot of picture material out there depicting dead soldiers doesn't mean that you loose realism adding them to a model, I find.

    What do you guys think?

    • I agree with you for the most part. I took some time deciding if I would or wouldn't include the 2 german figures. Although I enjoy military themes I never celebrate war and my models (mostly) deplict the sadness, or in this case the share waste of war.

  6. Nice job, Carl. Tells the story. Good job.

  7. An excellent dio and the model looks great! Strange little tank with the "missing" fender sections on each side.

  8. A nicely done diorama, if a bit morbid.

  9. Very nice! The photo folder makes it look very professional, and your model and figures are great!

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