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Justin Bronk
38 articles

1/48 Focke Wulf 190D ‘Long Nosed Dora’ from Eduard kit

November 23, 2018 · in Aviation · · 26 · 2K

Hi all,
Wanted to share this colourful late war Fw190D that I built over last weekend - have always liked the look of the long nosed 190s and pleased with the way this turned out. Picture 4 shows it alongside my other end of WW2 in Europe 1/48 warbirds.

If any want to see, the build can be found here:


Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

26 responses

  1. Real cool build,great paint job, I like the other models as well. |Great job.

  2. Really nice Dora, Justin. Some nice contrasts; the hard spinner, soft mottling and splinter with the JG 26 bandings and yellow tail. Lots of interest and very, very well done. If I'm not mistaken (it's been known on a regular basis) this is Hans Dortenmann's Dora (210003) - Knight's Cross holder; he wrote in his memoirs that he personally destroyed her at the end of hostilities to avoid falling into enemy hands


    • Thanks David, I really appreciate the kind words! I agree completely about the JG 26 scheme - it's a lovely combination of elements to work on! It is indeed Hans Dortenmann’s no. 210003.

  3. ...and extremely well done.

  4. Excellent paint job !

  5. Very, very good Lang Nase Dora! I love the overall finish of your model(s) cause I just looked at the other 2 articles.
    Did I understood it correctly that you made this Eduard kit in just a weekend? I can’t finish a simpler model in less than 2 months, and this is the best case timing 🙂

    • Hi Pedro!
      I started this kit on Friday evening and finished Sunday late afternoon but I only have access to my workshop once a month or so as I live in London normally without enough space to model so I have to work quite obsessively when I get the chance 🙂

      Thank you for the kind words on the finish - it's mostly thanks to Mr Color Super Clear III and Flat Clear lacquer varnishes; they work really well at least for me...very thin, hard, smooth layers. Before I started using those, varnish layers often ended up ruining the finish of my projects...


      • Guess I’ll try those enamel varnish some time soon. Mr. Color from Gunze right?

        • Yes. They come very 'thick' in the bottle and need to be diluted approx 1:2 (varnish:thinner) with Mr Color Levelling Thinner before airbrushing.

          They are lacquer based rather than acrylic or enamel so dry very fast and are extemely tough and safe to use most washes, thinners etc on top of during the weathering process. The downside is that the lacquer thinners are very bad for your health so a respirator is required!

  6. Hello Justin, and welcome onboard at iModeler. That's a fabulous-looking first entry, and the construction video is great. Thanks for sharing!

  7. That’s a real beauty. And in one, amazing skill to achieve that result that fast.

  8. Tail end Charlie and Sir Echo here.


    Some strong work in the painting dept. The colors are what one would think are true to what would be found in the field. No Spanish school to be found. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing more of modeling adventures and photos.

  9. As everyone else has noted, your paintwork is flawless. I really like what you've done here with a kit that's not that easy (done in a weekend? wow!).

  10. Just love everything about this model. The contrasts and a perfectly balanced weathering all over. The D-9 has been a favourite of mine ever since I made Airfix´model a long time ago.

  11. Beautiful 190 Justin!

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