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Michael Smith
72 articles

1/700 Minicraft Titanic

November 10, 2018 · in Ships · · 2 · 2.9K

My son Parker and I picked up the outstanding new at the grand opening of Marshall's new Hobby Lobby recently, and I'm thoroughly enjoying finally getting to work on a waterline Titanic, especially one in my favorite scale! Unlike the previous 1/700 scale Titanic we started on, the kit has the correct bow and stern sheer, so it's worth putting some effort into. And the lower hull pops off easily, so you can display full hull or waterline.

But the thing that makes this kit special is the MCP (multi-colored parts). Parts are cast in hull red, black, white, tan brown, orange and gold so that you can build a pretty good model without using paint at all. Not that I did that, but it's a great feature for the beginning modeler. The photos show the kit parts unpainted and painted.

It also comes in different packaging with a light kit, although I didn't find that out till too late. Would have been a nice effect.

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3  Awesome

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2 responses

  1. Looks great! Iceberg!

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