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Mee Wan
76 articles

1/700 scale KRI Sultan Thaha ex-Parchim class corvette

November 8, 2018 · in Ships · · 8 · 3.5K

Goodday to all ,

This is one of my first resin naval build from . The original vessel is Parchim class corvette which is a Soviet era naval vessel , it was later sold to the few nations which one of those is Indonesia. The version that I build is the current scheme for the Indonesian Navy corvette renamed Sultan Thaha (376) pennant number. I added few generic PE railings and custom build mast to enhance the detail while the camo patterns was based on image reference from the interenet. Overall the resin kit is tiny at about 10cm the casting quality was good only the tiny parts had poor casting quality but still manageable. Thanks for reading this post... !

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6  Awesome

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8 responses

  1. Nice work mate, I love the camo scheme!

  2. I don't know how you guys build those micro-ships, but they sure look good and in photos, much bigger than they really are! This looks great.

  3. Striking camo job - I like it.

  4. Outstanding work, Mee Wan!

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