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paul teixeira
98 articles

Aftermarket Exhaust Nozzle Build Review: 1/48 ARIES F-15 Exhaust Nozzles

November 8, 2018 · in Aviation · · 4 · 4.1K

This is for the Tamiya 1/48 F-15A Eagle (Vintage Kit). I just finished the exhaust section on this model. IMHO the kit exhaust is the worst part of this vintage model. I just could not use it knowing the F-15 Exhaust is such a high detail focus area of the jet. Therefore the AIRES F-15 Resin Exhaust was used. These resin parts are fantastic but are made for the Hasegawa F-15. Minor modification needed to the base kit for this set to fit. Needed to thin out the thick plastic and location tabs to the circumference of the kit exhaust opening. 5-min mod with a Dremel rotatory Sanding tool. After some careful painting and heavy weathering they definitely get the job done. Highly recommended for any F-15 kit, but absolutely needed for the old Tamiya F-15. Each exhaust is comprised of mostly Resin with a PE part within the nozzle itself. You must attach the many fragile actuator arms to the nozzle openings. It was fairly easy.

Here is a link to other build articles related to this commissioned build.

Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

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4 responses

  1. Those nozzles look great!

  2. Very nice work, sir... 🙂

  3. Think you nailed it Paul!

  4. Terrific turkey feathers!

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