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IPMS UK Telford Scale Modelworld Special at iModeler

November 9, 2018 · in News · · 9 · 2.1K

The IPMS UK 2018 in Telford is on during the weekend. Stay tuned for the comprehensive coverage sent live from the event, commencing on Saturday 10am GMT.

We have also set up a dedicated Scale Modelworld Channel to let you bookmark or share a link to all of our Telford postings. Please use the following link:

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10  Awesome

9 responses

  1. Definitely looking forward to the "Telford Report"...always a pleasure to see.

  2. You mean Christmas for modelers..." In hopes that St. Nicholas" will be there and present new models and show some of the best modeling in the continent. I am looking forward to this show and appreciate all the efforts of the IModeler's who attend these events. Some of us can not afford the flight or could possibly walk in with a credit card and expect to be solvent the next day.

  3. I wish I could attend.

  4. I’m not there this year, for the first time in years. I do have two Competition entries a mate has kindly agreed to take for me, and photos of the club stand look very nice, from the setup photos they posted last night. The photo below shows what the centrepiece of the display was shaping-up like, but still 18m of space to organise. We won Best Club Stand last year, so a lot to live up to!

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  5. Airfix's big announcement...1/24th scale F6F-5!

  6. I was going to go this year, but it’s Slayer’s farewell tour tonight in Newcastle... maybe next year! ?

  7. The guys in the club have now posted photos of our completed club stand, so thought I’d share a few images from our FB page.

    25 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  8. Just to say thank you to you Martin, and the iModeler team. I very much enjoyed you doing this last year, and it's very much appreciated again this year. Thanks again, I'm looking forward to seeing the next update.

  9. Well, just had text from club at venue. Of 12 Competition entries we took 11 awards of various types. My Salmson-Moineau got a HC but that’s it for this year ?. That said, the Best in Show came from the same Class as my entries- oh well, strong competition!

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