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Allan J Withers
206 articles

Mil Mi 24D “Hind” 4011, 1st Letka Czech Air Force, IAT Fairford England 1994.

1/72 , a few modifications and additions, finished in various enamels with Klear over Xtra decals, started late 2010, finished for the Year of the Cat GB, more pic's there !

Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Well done, Allan! Beautifully finished, Sir.

  2. You did a fabulous job on this little chopper. High Quality paint job and pretty cool theme. I know this helo was most likely kept clean b/c its a show bird but those fine recessed panel lines are just screaming for some highlighting. Just a subtle, and I mean subtle, pin wash would really make it pop and enhance the realism. I know it is easy to get carried away with weathering in such a small scale over white paint so dont blame u for not doing this. But maybe worth a try.

  3. Well done, "Helo-Man"... 🙂

  4. Wow - and how did you know when you started this 8 years ago that there would be a "Cat" group build?! Another winner for your collection Allan.

  5. Hello Allan,
    Spotless. Great build.
    Regards, Dirk / The Netherlands.

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