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Boris Rakic
72 articles

Tamiya 1/35 Matilda II

November 30, 2018 · in Armor · · 11 · 5.7K

Lately, my workbench has been a mess. Not so much in a literal sense, but rather in the way projects keep coming in and not getting finished. Part of that is the result of trying to get build reviews done, while simultaneously participating in a Group Build and testing new techniques and materials. So naturally I started another build a couple of weeks ago.

If you are into armor and always wondered why everyone calls kits "shake and bake", look no further than their II. This thing goes together so fast and so easy it is hard to believe. And honestly, that was just what I needed. The kit was built almost out of the box, I just replaced the plastic barrel with a turned metal piece from RB Models, and added the fuel line for the auxilliary tank using lead wire.

Maybe the trickiest part of the whole build was masking the camouflage pattern, especially around the rear deck. For the Caunter Scheme camouflage I used lacquers, and as was to be expected they worked like a dream.

Weathering consisted of sponge chipping and some hairspray chipping on the exhausts, various pin washes with Ammo by Mig products, and a bit of oil paint rendering.

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

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11 responses

  1. Amazing work and I see that I have a long way to go.
    Great work an brilliant detailing.

  2. Wow, this is a great looking Matilda. The rendition of the camouflage is very, very well done IMO. The shades look great, albeit different from several I’ve seen in other builds around the internet...I guess this British paint scheme is not consensual as to the shades of each colour?
    Brilliant model Boris

    • Thanks Pedro! Yes, the Caunter colors can be tricky, and paint manufacturers don't make it easier for us modelers. I tried AK Interactive's "True Colors" and did not like them at all - I think the shades are just way off. Here's a Valentine painted in AK, and yes, the colors are supposed to be the same as on the Matilda (Portland Stone, Silver Grey and Slate).
      And then there's the issue of the "blue" Matilda in Bovington Tank Museum. Apparently when this tank got restored way back when, they used a light blue instead of Silver Grey, a mistake that has been faithfully copied by modelers and kit manufacturers ever since.
      And finally, here's an excerpt from Mike Starmer's article on British armor colors during WWII:

      "By mid to late 1940 many newly arrived vehicles and tanks appear to be painted a plain overall colour, BS. 52 Pale Cream is cited for the 6 RTR new A9 cruisers, whilst the more normal colours seem to have been Light Stone No.61 or Portland Stone No.64. However about November 1940 a new scheme was specified in G.O 297. This scheme comprised the tri-coloured disruptive designs now known as ‘Caunter Scheme’. Very many AFVs and softskins carried this scheme of Portland Stone No.64 basic with Silver Grey No. 28 and Slate No.34 or Khaki Green No. 3 in angular disruptive stripes. Period G.Os specify Light Stone No.61 or Portland Stone No.64 at various times and a local variation may have substituted a mixed light blue-grey for Silver Grey No. 28. A scheme for use in the Sudan specified Light Stone No.61 with Light Purple Brown No.49 in patches or stripes. A variation of Caunter was applied for use in Greece during 1941. This has the areas normally painted Silver Grey 28 to be either Light Purple Brown or Slate 34 and the remainder Light Stone No.61. The actual pattern deviated in detail from an exact replication of the drawings so perusal of photographs is recommended here. "

      1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  3. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    Great job and work on that Matilda Boris. Even as I write this I still go back and watch it.
    I myself am soon going to place an order for one … I have a diorama in mind that has been there for quite some years now.
    The camouflage scheme is very well laid … very nice work.

  4. Boris, I really like this. The color scheme and markings are very attractive and it has an overall realistic look. Well done !

  5. Boris, fantastic looking little tank. You really captured the overall look and feeling of this mighty little WW2 tank. Your weathering is adds a lot but not over done. Right On! Always happy to view your fine work. Hope your workbench gets cleared up...LOL!

  6. Five hundred dollars, friends, I lost
    Woman even sell me cat and horse ...

  7. Boris. Amazing detail and finish, I am just coming back to modelling after a 15 year absence and what an inspiration you are. Well done.

  8. Going to be building my Matilda in the same scheme in a few weeks, but by way of practice, I'm using a wee 'Bren Carrier' as a test-bed.

    Really like the way yours has turned-out, Boris, beautifully subtle fading and weathering.

    Best from NZ

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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