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bob mack
59 articles

Tamiya 1/48 Me-262 A-1a

November 16, 2018 · in Aviation · · 18 · 3.3K

the Messerschmitt 262 the first operational and combat jet must have been a pretty scary opponent, being as it could do 100 mph faster than anything in the allied inventory...i still remember Clark Gable's consternation about it in the wonderful movie "Command Decision"...first to come on the scene in 1939 and originally built in Bohemia Czechoslovakia but fortunately didn't see combat until about a month after D Day...another of Hitler's great blunders as his military was pretty well ground to a halt after Christmas 1944 "the Battle of the Bulge" and operation "Bodenplatte" for lack of petrol...allied pilots learned to bushwhack them on take-off and landings as they could only stay in the air about an hour and they were just too little and too late to the party...this is done in the livery of Major Rudolph Sinner...imagine the handle major sinner

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

18 responses

  1. The strangest paint scheme of any Me-262. Very nice!

  2. Very nice 262, Bob. You nailed that zebra camo so well

  3. Good looking 262 Bob, and as already stated the camo scheme came out really well.

  4. VERY nice, Bob! Like the others, I especially admire the "different" looking camo pattern you did.


  5. Nice job Bob! I really like the underside panels...appears to be the topside green was used as well. Great effect.

  6. Nice job, Bob. I like that scheme too!

  7. Hi Bob, Nicely done Schwalbe-Really like the paint scheme,

  8. Looks excellent Bob - well done!

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