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Allon kira
70 articles

Academy, 1/35, IDF M163 vulcan

December 27, 2018 · in Armor · · 17 · 5.3K

Hi guys, this is my , , .

Colors and weathering effects by Ammo Mig.

Lots of scratch build was needed for the idf version.

Have a great day everyone!

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

17 responses

  1. Looks really good. Excellent weathering

  2. First time I see a model of this AA tank. The M113 is the base for this particular version? Itโ€™s a great model, all seems balanced and the end result is most pleasing and realistic. It's a great work to wrap your modeling year Allon

  3. That's a really nice piece of modeling right there...!

  4. Beautiful! Really well done, Allon. Great details - your scratchbuilding skills are excellent!

    Pedro @holzhamer yes, the M113 is the base vehicle.

  5. Another great IDF build, Allon!
    Best wishes for the New Year, if 2019 will be even better than 2018 re. modeling quality then I don't know where we are headed, yet I am very curious ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. Looks very good. I was a Vulcan gunner in the Army at Fort Stewart (24thID) and it looks spot on. When I first got to the unit we had floatation device on each side and on the front cover. They were added for amphibious operations to counter the weight of the Vulcan system. We had a three tone desert camo, but shortly after, all the flotation pods were removed and we went to a single color camo.

  7. I love all elements you have added on this model which give live to it. The weathering is great and certainly based on a close observation of real tanks.
    Bravo ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Thank you so much, Alex!
      I had some pictures of the real vehicle that were taken by a friend of mine, about 30 years ago, During his military service in a Vulcan unit.

  8. Very very nice, I think the IDF is the best source of ideas for the modellers.
    I have a old M113 1/72, and I'd convert it in a scout IDF.

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