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Matthew Fletcher
12 articles

Airfix 1:48 Bf 109 E-7 Full diorama completed!

December 8, 2018 · in Aviation · · 5 · 3.2K

Here is my base for my Bf 109E-7. I am very happy with hownit came out. It is a small diorama so I put a lot of effort into small details. The figures are hasegawa figures and are not great. I painted the figures as well as I can(which isn't very good). I would love to hear your opinions.

Matthew Fletcher

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

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5 responses

  1. Those figures work for me (but then I'm no figure-painter gnu either).

  2. Great job on aircraft and figures

  3. I like this a lot, Matthew. In terms of personal taste, she’s a little dirty for me, but with respect to build, painting, detail, and figures it’s a terrific build. I think the pilots are great and you have an expression of character there that is, for me, the essence of a good diorama.


  4. Same here, it’s a very well thought dio, all you need is a camera guy to portrait a very often seen war photos. However, the mechanic responsible for that machine will be demoted for sure, it looks like he hasn’t clean it for weeks 🙂
    Airfix Emil has the best shape in the 1/48 market, the only let down I recall is the canopy. I replaced mine and used a spare from a Zvezda 109 F that actually brings an early E-1/3 canopy and fits like a glove in the Airfix pit.

  5. Very nice Emil Matthew

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