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Robert Royes
258 articles

Up Periscope

December 5, 2018 · in Ships · · 7 · 1.3K

I'd like to share with you, some thing that I forgot about, a wooden model of a submarine that my Dad made for me in the before time[around 1965] I think he got the idea from a cover of the book 'Up Periscope!' Some thing I just could not part with.

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7 responses

  1. A very creative submarine that by configuration never existed outside a movie. Very, very cool to have this, built by your dad for you, to treasure forever.

  2. I wouldn't part with it either Robert. A nice memory.

  3. I read that book in grade school. I think it was the 4th or 5th grade, and I directed a short play with the boys in my class around the scene where the beached sub was attacked by a Japanese aircraft. I remember in the book that the sailors were cursing as they were attacked by saying "blankety blank!" and we included that in our play depiction. I don't remember the teacher's reaction...

  4. What a great looking submarine. Even better that your Dad made it for you all those years ago.

  5. Very nice model. I make models from wood,I wonder if my son will keep them or use them for fire wood.?

  6. If he does it will be sad loss to him , to destroy works of art. What more can I say .

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