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Michal Walusz
20 articles

1/48 Tamiya Messerechmitt Bf109G-6

January 11, 2019 · in Aviation · · 10 · 2.3K

Hello Folks

I would like to present my first completed in 2019 kit. It was start at the end of 2018 but finished this year. The kit I' talking about is brand new Messerschmitt Bf109G-6. The model was completed in close engine bay to show the slick fuselage shape of G-6 model. As all Tamiya kit goes together like a dream not real fuss. The paint scheme I was choose is one of the box representing 9./JG52 from Russia in October 1943. Weathering was done using Tamiya Panel line washes and some oils, pastels.

Kit manufacture: Tamiya 61117
Type: Messerschmitt G-6
Extras used: PE seat belts from Eduard
Paints and colors used: Gunze Model Color RLM 75, RLM74, RLM75, Tamiya Rubber Black and RLM22.


Reader reactions:
11  Awesome 1 

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. REALLY nicely done Michal. Your camo scheme is VERY well executed.

  2. stunning mike

  3. Very nice! Excellent finish with just enough weathering to bring her to life.

  4. What a beautiful and menacing machine. great build and finish.

  5. Super finish! The panel lines are not too pronounced and you got a good balance between paint scheme and wheathering!

  6. Great looking 109!

  7. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    Nice way to start a new year Michal , that 109 looks very well done and painted. The mottle effect is very well done , thank you for the pictures.

  8. Cool - very nice Michael! The paintwork is absolutely superb..

  9. Very nice, Michael. A beautifully presented Gustav. Gorgeously mottled and (for me) perfectly weathered.


  10. Sweet build! How did you feel about closing the engine cowling for good? This kit sits at the top of my stash and I must say, after building the 1/32 Spitfire, that such “gimmicks” always make me second guess these options. On one hand, I feel like it is a waste not taking advantage of all that detail. On the other, messing with finished parts ends up eating the varnish and paint where you manipulate the model - not to mention knocking the last exhaust of the Spitfire everytime I remove the side panels. It’s a tough choice!

    That being said, your build looks great!

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