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dale travis
75 articles

Eduard 1/48 Bf 110 G-4

February 11, 2019 · in Aviation · · 19 · 4.2K

This plane was from 7./NJG 6 and was photographed at Neubiberg in 1945. I used the photos as a painting reference showing the camouflage to be a reverse scheme, RLM 76 over 75 and not the usual 75 over 76. The overlapping white paint from the rudder top hinge line onto the fin is intentional as the photos show this. Photos of this plane appear in Classic Publications "Nachtjager Volume Two".

Reader reactions:
19  Awesome

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19 responses

  1. Really well executed and another fantastic mottling job that puts my mottling talents deep in the shade, Paul.

  2. Outstandingly built and painted, thumbs up! The only version of Eduard’s 110 I am still to build. Would love to see a couple of pics of the cockpit, always found this area the best part of these kits

  3. Excellent presentation, Dale...well done!

  4. A real beauty! Love the night-fighter schemes - they have a subtle softness about them vs. the often harder contrasts on other camo schemes.

  5. Great Bf110, dale. You mottled great!

  6. Great looking build overall and a particularly wonderful job on the reverse mottle! Having built an E and a D from the Royal Class boxing, I'm anxious to build the Gustav in my stash, though I do not look forward to tackling the fit issues in the nose, canopy and wing/fuse joints which, I imagine, remain. Ed '110s are a pain but they do look pretty when conquered.

    • The nose is actually an easy fix. Glue the upper and lower pieces together so they fit to the front. Then once it's set up, sand the back area to fit. Once it's straight, glue it to the forward fuselage and all is well.

      • Thanks for that tip Tom- Will give it a try. Pleasantly surprised to hear that from you as you'd previously mentioned ditching your Ed '110s with a "life's too short" or similar comment. We live and learn, eh?

    • Actually the biggest PIA in my opinion was mounting the radar antlers. Eduard gives no indication on where they're to be positioned.

    • Thanks Stan, your 262 looks great. I'm really hoping Tamiya does the revision of the 262 as they have with the Spitfire I and 109 G

  7. Excellent work - good catch on how the "cloudy" camo was done.

  8. This bird is just stinking' gorgeous.

  9. Dale, I always enjoy a nice night fighter, probably because its an opportunity to see a different style of paint scheme not usually seen. But, when its done nice like this, its a little more special yet. I really like this, Well done !

  10. Really nice job on this Dale, i really like the way you finished her.

  11. A very nice looking aircraft

  12. I forgot to mention the (BY FAR) biggest PITA... The bane of all 'Schmitts but for the recent '109s- The bloody leading edge slats! Ggggrrrrrr! I don't know if I can build another Me model without correcting that, which I failed to do on either of my 110s or my Bf 108. 🙁

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