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1/32 Hasegawa Junkers Ju-87D-5 Stuka

March 7, 2019 · in Aviation · · 10 · 5.6K

This is Ju-87 D-5 with winter camouflage and the markings of Stab I /SG5 in January 1944.

Cockpit modified by Eduard set.

Exhaust and propeller replaced by resins.

Painting done with Gunze acrylics as usual.

Firstly RLM 70/71 scheme applied. Later I have used Tamiya white for winter camouflage. And finally some weathering and scrubbing on white paint.

Happy modelling

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15  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Very nice Tolga. Really nice.

  2. A real beauty, Tolga. Your touch on the winter camo looks perfect.

  3. Very nice!

  4. Another masterpiece Tolga, not much more need be said.

  5. Lovely work as usual. Superb job on that temporary winter white. Did you seal the 70/71 splinter with anything special to protect in the scrubbing process?

    • Thanks Stan
      Yes I have applied a gloss coat of clear ( Tamiya X22) after the 70/71 splinter.
      And then after white coat scrubbing process applied with P1000-1200 finishing abrasives .

  6. Tolga. Nice job. Like the winter scheme.

  7. Yep...what they said..!

  8. Another great build, as always. Keep up the good work.

  9. Thanks for your comments

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