The Ju 87 Database at iModeler

60 articles
  • Items tagged with Ju 87
  • 60 articles
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  • Last addition 3 months ago

Junkers Ju 87 Stuka

Hasegawa 1/48 Ju 87R-2 Stuka

My interpretation of the "Desert Snake" Stuka flown by Leu Lt. Hubert Polz from Tmimi, Libya in 1941. The black and white photos confirm that the red color stands out from the camouflaged background.

JU-87 Stuka G-1; Matchbox, 1:72

This is an old Matchbox kit from the 1970's, that we still remember 🙂 The Stuka was a very special aircraft, specialy for a young boy. Having built a couple in the 1970/80's imagine what I felt when a friend gave me another [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 Ju 87G-1 Stuka

the floating canopy on the cockpit of Hasegawa's quarter scale Kanonenvogel Stuka is one of many items require corrections during the build. The kit boasts with accurate dimensions and crisply recessed panel lines. Yet, the design takes [...]

Junkers Ju 87, black and white

I always wanted to create a black and white diorama, as I've not seen them so much. Then I was looking into old pictures from WW2 and found this repair scene. Thats the oppurtinity to try different techniques with different shades of [...]

Night attacker Stuka

Towards the end of WWII Ju 87 aircraft were converted to night operations. The Ju 87D-8 were equipped with exhaust flame suppressors. Most of the night operating Stukas served under1./NSGr.9 in northern Italy and retreated to Austria until [...]

Ju-87B-2 MKHL

Hello everyone, I have recently finished an Airfix Ju-87 Stuka. What to say, it is a nice kit, went together well. I didn't have any difficulties. The only aftermarket set I used was an instrument panel from Yahu. The plane was painted as [...]

Junkers Ju-87 R-2 "Sturzkampfflugzeug"

My very first Stuka: an R-2 from 3rd Staffel, 1st Gruppe, Sturzkampfgeschwader 1, as it may have appeared in April-May 1940, based in France. Pretty much Italeri out of the box, with a few Eduard embellishments in the cockpit. I spent far [...]

JU 87 - G takes me down memory lane

I saw this old, classic kit and decided to give it a try. Glad I did, but not for the reasons I expected. This is my first post mainly because I have only picked up modeling again after a many decade absence and I don’t this k my [...]

1/32 Ju87D-8 "Night Stuka", Hasegawa 08171

This is Hasegawa’s Ju87D-8 “Night Stuka”. I tried to replicate the box art which I like very much. The most difficult part of the kit IMO is the canopy. I sanded off the molded on structure and polished it again. Then I tried to add [...]

Achtung, Stuka! Out-of-box build of Ju 87B-2 in winter camouflage (Trumpeter 1:32)

This build is again for my friend who is re-newing the lost collection of his father. Therefore it was done right out of the box with minimum weathering and no changes. I do not like german WW2 aircrafts much and this particularly one is [...]