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Charles King
130 articles

A collage of my present AG vehicles

March 29, 2019 · in Sci-fi · 16 · 1.3K

So far, so good. A collection of fourteen AG vehicles in my collection. Going to be Working on my fifteenth pretty soon. I am glad many of you here have inspired me in many of my builds over the years. So thanks to those of you who inspire other modelers to take 'one step further' in creativity.

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8  Awesome

16 responses

  1. Profile Photo
    said on March 29, 2019


  2. A really cool collection!

  3. Excellent. Imagination, talent, and Sci-Fi - a 100% winner of a collection.

    ‘Liked’...a lot.

  4. It's neat not to be confined and restrained by doing conventional modeling or "I deny your reality and replace it with my own". The thing about Sci-Fi is if you can do a whiffer that really shows what technology could and can do ...
    Cell Phones and communicators a.l.a Star Trek... it really makes people think and see the potential in developing new technologies.
    Keep up the good work Charles.

    • Hi Stephen. Thanks for your concise overview of your thoughts. Technology goes very fast forward and things we saw in sci-fi movies during the 60's, 70's & 80's could only be dream about. Not knowing that all would AND will come to pass sooner or later.

  5. I always enjoy your builds, Charles!

  6. One step beyond! Great!

  7. Great stuff as always

  8. I’ve just seen this article mate, Can we call you the Dr Frankenstein of modelling? ?
    There are some awesome builds there mate. They’ve been put together with such skill you would think they were the original kits! Much respect!

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