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Jason Vukovich
13 articles

1/35th JGSDF Type 90 “Polka Dot”

April 19, 2019 · in Armor · · 9 · 2.9K

My final winter build of the year since it's spring (even if we got a foot of snow here in Alaska today) -'s . I think this is a pretty well known subject from a few years ago, a Type 90 on winter maneuvers in Japan with field applied snow camouflage. Tamiya's kit practically falls together, I sourced appropriately dressed crew from their Type 74 kit. I skipped adding the MILES gear but wanted to include the exercise numbers for a pop of color. The only thing I would have like to add would be a photo etch .50 cal sight but I couldn't justify the cost for what was to be a quick build. Besides I've had this kit forever so it was nice to get it built and reduce the stash.

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11  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    Now THAT is a visually striking model. Well done Jason, any chance too see this one on a snowy diorama ?

  2. That works...! Very convincing camo scheme - I like it. 🙂

  3. Excellent. Beautifully painted and finished.


  4. Great lookin' Type 90!

    I've never seen any unit use "Polka Dot Camo" before, Jason. I thought I'd seen all the types out there but this adds another to the old brain-box memory.

  5. That’s awesome! I love the camo and the tarp, really nice touch.

  6. fantastic and educational

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