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Jason Vukovich
13 articles

1/35th US Navy Riverine Command Boat

April 10, 2019 · in Armor · · 7 · 8.1K

Greetings! A kit I haven't seen built a whole lot is 's 1/35th CB90 Combat Boat. Rumors and the internet have it that Tiger is coming out with a version but I am impatient and decided to convert their existing kit into a Riverine Command Boat. Overall this was a fun build, it built up well and has a nice interior although I only focused on the areas you could see after I closed up almost all the hatches. The main things to change to convert a CB90 into a Riverine Command Boat are the weapons suite and antennas. Surprisingly, references were hard to come by and it seems like every boat is different. I wound up using Legend and LiveResin weapons with scratch built mounts. And of course after finishing the build I found perfect 3D printed US Navy weapon mounts on Shapeways. Oh well. I added figures from LiveResin and Legend along with a couple kitbashed from various sources. The "passenger" on top of the radar was built up from putty, brass wire, and tape. The remote weapon station was another tough one, very few clear pictures so it's probably not entirely accurate but looks the part. I used acrylic paints, the US Navy is keeping it old school and still painting their coastal boats in something akin to MERDC colors. I'll try to get some close-ups posted soon...

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20  Awesome

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7 responses

  1. Great build with nice details.
    Keep them coming.

  2. Wow...great lookin' model - I love it !

  3. Very nice! nice stand as well.

  4. sweet project and build

  5. Sweet makes me want to start mine !

  6. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    Nice work on this one Jason, looks very sharp as is.
    This model makes for a interesting desk top display for a NAVY or Marine recruiter.

  7. Very nice! Don't see many of these smaller watercraft built.

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