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Geir Andersen
34 articles

LDM-29-C “Wachtel”

April 10, 2019 · in Sci-fi · · 12 · 2.1K

I bought this resin kit back in 2014 from it’s the first edition and number 34 of 50. I don’t think it’s available anymore and that is a pity as it’s a great kit.
When the kit arrived, I lost my nerve looking at all the parts and has been sitting on my desk until I started building it in 2018.

The designer, Luca Zampriolo gives the following specifications;

LDM-29-C “Wachtel” provides continuous fire for close
support and destructive fire for tactical standoff engagement.
The system's primary purpose is to provide responsive fire in
support of Heavy Arms Battalions, and their subordinate
HDM, LDM, HTM units, with line-of-sight capability.

  • Height (retired): 3,85 m
  • Height (action mode): 5,25 m
  • Weight: 138 tons
  • Cannons: 120 mm caliber
  • Grenade Launcher: 40 mm caliber
  • Engine: 2nd Generation Weinkel 12.600 hp

Even though the model is brilliant by itself I wanted it mounted on a base and tried to build a post-apocalyptic scene below it.
I might have gone overboard with the weathering but I’m happy and will keep it like it is.

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. Love it! I think the weathering looks superb, and as someone who has written a couple of "post-apocalypse" movies, I'd want something like this in it to scare the daylights out of the audience. Excellent work.

  2. Excellent work, Geir! It looks great!

  3. I have to agree with these guys. Excellent work!

  4. Naw - just can't go to heavy weathering a goliath like this! Looks fantastic!

  5. Thanks, guys for all your kind comments.
    I came across this series of photos showing the build of the prototype. Again, all scratch built stuff amazes me.

  6. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    Beautiful work Geir, looks intimidating and the weathering looks well done and not excessive, nice work.

  7. Very nice ScyFi model, really looks like something out of a film production

  8. Mecha!

    What is there not to like!

    I have dabbled with the Macross kits in the past.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  9. Lovely subject, and a rendition of mud and rust on this one is in a class of its own!

  10. Superb build. Very cool and well done.

  11. superb from top to bottom, and the next one should be yours bash/scratch mech.
    Dont assemble - create...

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