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Valter vaudagna
50 articles

Spitfire mk XVI

April 3, 2019 · in Aviation · · 10 · 3.6K

Build and detailing kit ( ) ...scratch + eduard zoom interior cockpit

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. That's gorgeous...I really like the exposed engine and open panels. Great job!


  2. Absolutely gorgeous!

  3. That's superb workmanship and a whole lot of talent. One small, minor, nigly nit: the flare rack was removed from the Spitfire seat starting with the Mark II. It's an easy "ooopsie" to do, so no flub, no foul - just info for the future.

  4. You coulda told me that was a 32nd scale kit and I'd have been impressed, but 48th..!? Wow!

  5. Valter, This is super nice, thanks for sharing !

  6. Wow! Respect! Everything amazing: build, details,scratchbuilding, finish, base...Congratulations!

  7. that's a hand full of workmanship

  8. Excellent build and detail work. What's the significance of the yellow markings? I haven't seen that before.

  9. Really impressive detail work.

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