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Paul sutton
24 articles

Flash Gordon Rocket ship

May 30, 2019 · in Sci-fi · · 8 · 4.6K

Hello all

This model is the ‘Flash Gordon rocket ship' from .

This model is based on the Flash Gordon movies from the late 1930s (so very retro sci fi)

The kit is all resin and is fairly easy to put together although there is a lot of cleaning up required.

I wanted to show a scene typical of early sci fi shows hence our two hero's bravely looking the wrong way while a not particularly convincing tentacle monster creeps up on them from behind.

The base and monster are all scratch built while the figures are from an old table top Role playing game.

Hope you enjoy

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

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8 responses

  1. Very cool! What’s not to like in a Flash Gordon diorama? 😉

  2. I love Sci Fi kits and this one is so fun! Great job. Kits like this remind me of why I started building models as a boy, they look "cool". Too easy to always be building a "wunderkit" down to the last detail and lose the fun of model building. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I can hear the Queen theme song now!

  4. Brilliant work. I’d rather see a model that makes me smile than makes my jaw drop.


  5. Looks great, I remember watching the films on Saturday morning in the sixties.

  6. Brings back memories. Love it.

  7. REALLY cool, Paul! I like everything about this. It's funny ... The Queen music even sounds good, running along in my head as I look at it!

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