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Thomas Probert
59 articles

Harrier GR3Airfix 1/24th scale classic

May 30, 2019 · in Aviation · · 9 · 2.5K

Afternoon folks,

Here's 's classic GR3 from the venerable 1/24th scale kit, warts and all. Built as it comes, but with some home-made additions to the cockpit and seat. The kit decals and Xtracolour paints were used throughout.
For its age, it's a really nice kit. The cockpit is very basic and the landing gear and bays are lacking in details, but with some good old-fashioned scratch-building you can make a decent representation of the Harrier.

Happy modelling!


Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Wow ! really nice job ,well done.

  2. That must be a pretty good sized kit - it sure looks good!

  3. beautiful work and paint

  4. I echo what has been stated above. This looks fantastic and I’ll bet it’s a good sized model.

    Thanks for sharing these pictures with us.

  5. Great build Thomas!
    Really good to see this kit actually built - with such a nice result!

  6. Great looking Harrier, Thomas!

  7. Awesome work! Can I ask what colors you used for the camo?

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