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Boris Rakic
72 articles

New "Easy Eight" Sherman from Rye Field Model

May 7, 2019 · in News · · 4 · 8.5K

If we needed any more proof that 2019 might be the year of the , Rye Field Model () just delivered it. The latest announcement in their line of tanks covers the M4A3E8 Sherman, the last major variant of this vehicle. So lets have a look at what we can expect...

The E8 is also known as M4A3(76)w HVSS - quite a handful, but this designation packs everything you need to know. It's a Sherman with the Ford GAA V8 engine in a later hull with "wet" ammo stowage, a 76mm gun, and the horizontal volute spring suspension. This suspension made it possible to use much wider tracks than the previous vertical one (VVSS), decreasing ground pressure. It came into service late in WWII and continued to be used in the Korean War.

Initially the E8 was fitted with the T66 track, later the T80 track came into use. RFM's sprue shots show this later track. The box art shows "A Paper Doll", an E8 from the 68th Tank Battalion in 1945, which seems to have been fitted with T66 tracks. There are a couple of other features on the sprues which would make this kit suitable for a Korean War tank.

I for one am excited about this announcement, because A: it's a Sherman, and B: see A. As usual, we'll keep you updated as soon as we know more about the release date.

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

4 responses

  1. That box art is just amazing...a real money magnet. Can’t tell if it’s a drawing or a model, but it caught my eye real fast and I’m no big fan of the Tanks. The plastic also looks very good. Thanks for bringing this new kit to our attention Boris

  2. Looks like I have another one for the wish list... 🙂

    Thanks for the review. It looks like a great kit.

  3. Well, there's a new tank on my Christmas Wishes list to Santa!

    Thanks for the great report, Boris! @raikisan

    I have both RFM kits of the M1A1; the Desert Storm 1991 version and the M1A1-M1A2 kit. This Sherman looks to be of the same caliber. (120 vs 76 - nope LoL) But you're gonna pay for RFM's craftsmanship. I'm just sayin' ...

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