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Robert Royes
254 articles

One more of each

May 15, 2019 · in Aviation · · 5 · 1.5K

Recent stash additions.Another Phantom another Thud, I'll probably do the as a F-4B, in an early scheme. The F-105B [yes their really is a B in it] I'm going to try the kit decals , they look to be ok. Cheers.

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3  Awesome

5 responses

  1. i left my slide rule at home but that thud looks sharp

  2. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    Both are very classical ( at least for me ), I look forward to seeing them posted here Robert.

  3. Didn’t think I’d let that mug do without comment, Robert? Feeling the pull of the old country?

  4. Looks like a fun project, Robert!

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