Dornier Do335 Tamiya 1/48
Hi all,
this is my first article on your web. It´s about the Do335 Tamiya 1/48. I bought this kit in Kyoto, Japan, some 12 years ago...
It was a new challenge for me as I used lots of new techniques I never used before as oil washes, pre shading... and masks from Montex for the cockpit and Eduard´s photoetch.
I have to say that I spent many hours on YouTube learning new things and then trying to apply them!
Anyway... I will try to improve this article in a few days, for the time being, I hope you all will enjoy the pictures and any advice to improve will be welcome!
Painted decals, I'm impressed! Very nicely done, and welcome to iModeler!
Thanks Robert!
Now working on Revell 1/72 Bv138, it is becoming a nightmare but I will make it!
1 attached image. Click to enlarge.
Un gran trabajo de modelado y pintura.
Muchas gracias Julio.
¡Un saludo!
very sharp
Thanks Bob!
Wow...very nice. What colours did you do for the camouflage? I built the Revell version in NMF and the small amount of camo that I added seems brighter than yours and I much prefer yours
Hi George.
In the end, I used the colors (Tamiya) the instructions said:
-XF23 (underside)
-50% XF5+ 50% XF3 (lighter green camouflage)
-XF61 (Darker green camouflage)
and a lot of work for shading, washing, oil colors to get the final result.
thanks for your comment!
For a first try with new techniques, this is outstanding work.
I look forward to seeing more from you, Alogano!
Estupendo, y muy bien hecho!
Thanks David!
Welcome aboard! A really nice-looking model. The cockpit looks great, and the chipping is just about right. Your oil-dot filtering came out just right also - nice and subtle. If I were to make one suggestion it would be to add just enough more paint over the panel line shading to soften it back a bit - it's a bit stark especially on the bottom. Overall though it is quite a lovely build!
Hi Greg, thank you very much for your comment!
Very nice job on this! The cockpits are stellar as are the painted on markings. Nice shading on the panels as well. As for any advise, I'd say watch your paint mixture/airbrush distance. There's one spot by the upper cockpit that the paint looks like it dried in mid air. (It's probably a fluke though as the rest of the bird looks flawless from here!) I would actually take a weathering tutorial from you! Welcome aboard and I can't wait to see that B&V! (The cool planes are the unusual ones!)
Hi Josh,
yes, I know... airbrush. Getting the right mixture and distance to apply is a matter of experience and lots of kits to be made!
Thank you very much for your comment and here you have some "tapas" of the BV...
2 attached images. Click to enlarge.
Just let me add my congratulations on a terrific build and a "welcome aboard" as well.
Thank you Craig.
Beautiful work. I’d say you are well on your way to mastering these techniques. Be patient with the Bv-138. I built it many years ago and rescribed the whole airframe and scratch built the interior. But taking your time is key. I look forward to seeing her completed!
Thank you Jim! As you say lots of patience... I am sanding a lot and masking with Mr. Surfacer 1000 because parts don´t fit very well. It is a very old kit and out of stock. I found it on eBay.
I also made by myself the bulkhead in the cockpit because it is empty, not too much info about this aircraft, just one fuselage in very bad condition in a museum and some pictures on the internet. A friend of mine told me that one is sunk close to Copenhagen airport. I show you a picture of the piece I made.
1 attached image. Click to enlarge.
It is a beautiful airplane and your efforts reflect that! Very nicely done!
Thank you Jeff!
Looks to me like you learned very well indeed. An excellent result. Welcome to iModeler.
Thank you Tom!
Alogano, welcome to iModeler! What a splendid model of a unique plane. My favourite part is the cockpit, an area I enjoy doing a lot, and one that can make or break the realism of a airplane model. Yours is great. Looking forward to see some more models in the future.
Thank you Pedro, ¡¡Gracias!
Hello, ALOGANO, it's a very attractive Do335. In particular, I like the effects of weathering!
I've never tried oil paints, because I was afraid they may invade acrylic paints (Tamiya color or Gunze Mr. Hobby) I usually use. However, because you applied oil paints on Tamiya colors and achieved the good result, I will try the technique myself. Thank you.
Hi Shun! Thank you very much.
I applyed the oils after the gloss varnish so the paint is protected.
Thank you for a useful advice!
ALOGANO, others have already mentioned it, but I especially like your weathering.
Welcome to iModeler!
Thank you Jeff!