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Colin Latta
54 articles

Focke-Wulf 190A-9, 1945

June 27, 2019 · in Aviation · · 8 · 3.1K

Yet another oldie!
This is Otaki's 1/48 FW-190A-8 that I originally started as just a 'paint mule' to try out a paint mix. One thing lead to another and, well, here you are.

I added details to the cockpit, belts from aluminum tape and solder, and a scratch built gunsight. Bulged canopy is a spare from Hobbyboss, with scratchbuilt headrest and bulkheads.

For the gear, I added a strip to the landing gear doors to widen them, shortened the legs and added brakelines, spare wheels from and Eduard kit, cut out the make believe gear well and added a spare 'dimpled' panel from Eduard's, and scratch built the rest of the well. Tailwheel is an Eduard's spare.
Outboard lower canon breaches are spare bombs with plasticard shell chutes, and canon's are brass tube.

Drop tank and mount are also Eduard's spares.
Decals are spare Hobbyboss, old letraset applied to clear decal paper (to get close to the proper style, I had to use the top half of a '2' and the bottom half of a capitol 'L'), and the werke numbers are actually decal sheet item numbers made into decals by painting them with Microscale liquid decal film.
Paints are Tamiya acrylics RLM 74 is XF 24:3, XF 27:1, and the RLM 75 is XF 75:8, XF 07:1 - the whole reason for the build! Applied over Tamiya Titanium silver and haispray, and then chipped with water and a toothpick.
Hope you like.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

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8 responses

  1. Wow! That's a fantastic FW, Colin! And it goes well with your OTHER fantastic FWs!

  2. Very well done - that classic kit cleaned up nicely under your care!

  3. Pretty amazing to bring that old kit up to this standard. Excellent work!

  4. Nice job, Colin.

  5. Excellent builds !

  6. Hi, colin. It's an amazing finish for the old kit. I myself bought 4 or 5 boxes of the Otaki FW190 when I was young, because the kit was pretty good at that time (more than 40 years ago, probably). Especially I liked the recessed panel lines and crisp mold. But I could not build the kit as nicely as you did. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Very nice chipping effects, like it! And also an exellent work on the markings. Thanks for sharing with us.

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